Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Rates and Reduction for Select Asian Treaty Partners

Rates and Reduction for Select Asian Treaty Partners

This infographic represents the rates and reductions for select Asia treaty partners, concerning dividends, interest and royalties.


Corporate Income Tax Rate Over Time in Singapore

Corporate Income Tax Rate Over Time in Singapore

This infographic shows the corporate income tax rate over time, from 1997 to 2017.


Tax Declaration and Finalization Timeline for a Fiscal Year

Tax Declaration and Finalization Timeline for a Fiscal Year

This infographic shows the tax declaration and finalization timeline for a fiscal year in Vietnam.


Accounting and Bookkeeping in Vietnam

Accounting and Bookkeeping in Vietnam

In this issue of Vietnam Briefing, we outline the basic framework of accounting applied in Vietnam and provide guidance on how to ensure compliance. We discuss existing Vietnamese accounting standards, highlight differences between Vietnamese and int...


Analyse de la Réforme de la TVA en Chine

Analyse de la Réforme de la TVA en Chine

Début 2012, la Chine a débuté une réforme massive de son système fiscal en lançant le remplacement de sa “taxe sur les affaires” (“business tax” ou “BT”) par la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (“TVA”). Avant cette réforme, la TVA n...


Evaluating China's VAT Reform

Evaluating China's VAT Reform

At the beginning of 2012, China began a massive overhaul of its tax system by initiating the replacement of business tax (BT) with value-added tax (VAT). Prior to the reform, VAT was levied only on the sale and import of tangible goods and on the pro...


Option 1 Available When Restructuring a China Business

Option 1 Available When Restructuring a China Business

this prezi shows viewers the First Option Available when Restructuring a China Business: Reduction of Operations


2nd Option Available When Restructuring a China Business

2nd Option Available When Restructuring a China Business

This prezi offers viewers 2nd option: Conversion. On Available When Restructuring a China Business.


The 2016/17 ASEAN Tax Comparator

The 2016/17 ASEAN Tax Comparator

In this issue of ASEAN Briefing, we examine regional taxation in ASEAN through a comparison of corporate, indirect, and withholdings taxation. We further present an overview of the compliance environments found across the region and analyze ASEAN’s...


How is Corporate Income Tax determined for acquired companies in China?

How is Corporate Income Tax determined for acquired companies in China?

Under the PRC Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Law, which applies to both domestic enterprises as well as foreign and foreign-invested enterprises, income arising from the transfer of equity and assets (both fixed and intangible) is subject to CIT. While a...


Remitting Profits from Vietnam

Remitting Profits from Vietnam

In this issue of Vietnam Briefing, we outline existing regulations on remittance and provide guidance on how to ensure compliance in order to repatriate profits in a timely fashion. We highlight relevant government bodies, outline steps required to s...


What are deductible allowances for foreign staff in China?

What are deductible allowances for foreign staff in China?

Under the provisions of Chinese tax law, certain allowances are deductible before calculating the tax burden on foreign employees’ monthly salaries.  These categories must be specified in the labor contract, and employees must be able...

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