Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Understanding Localization in Russia

Understanding Localization in Russia

In this issue of Russia Briefing we discuss the advantages of localization in Russia for foreign companies, and provide an analysis of Russia’s industrial parks and Special Economic Zones (SEZs). We also feature an article from the General Director...


Come sfruttare la Supply Chain del Vietnam

Come sfruttare la Supply Chain del Vietnam

In questo numero di Vietnam Briefing, discutiamo dei vantaggi del mercato di questo Paese rispetto ad altri nella regione ed evidenziamo dove e come realizzare investimenti di successo. Esaminiamo i programmi di riduzione tariffaria previsti dal NAFT...


Annual Audit and Compliance in ASEAN

Annual Audit and Compliance in ASEAN

For the first issue of our ASEAN Briefing Magazine, we look at the different audit and compliance regulations of five of the main economies in ASEAN. We firstly focus on the accounting standards, filing processes, and requirements for Indonesia, Mala...


A Guide to China's Free Trade Zones

A Guide to China's Free Trade Zones

In this issue of China Briefing magazine, we examine China’s four Free Trade Zones and discuss the differences and strengths that exist in each of them. We begin by providing an introduction to the FTZs, and then take an in-depth look at the market...


Annual Audit and Compliance in Vietnam 2016

Annual Audit and Compliance in Vietnam 2016

In this issue of Vietnam Briefing, we address pressing changes to audit procedures in 2015, and provide guidance on how to ensure that compliance tasks are completed in an efficient and effective manner. We highlight the continued convergence of VAS ...


Labor Dispute Management in China

Labor Dispute Management in China

In this issue of China Briefing, we discuss how best to manage HR disputes in China. We begin by highlighting how China'€™s labor arbitration process€“ - and its legal system in general€“ - widely differs from the West, and then detail the labo...


Navigating the Vietnam Supply Chain

Navigating the Vietnam Supply Chain

In this edition of Vietnam Briefing, we discuss the advantages of the Vietnamese market over its regional competition and highlight where and how to implement successful investment projects. We examine tariff reduction schedules within the ACFTA and ...


China-Plus Strategien: Indien, Thailand, Indonesien, Kambodscha

China-Plus Strategien: Indien, Thailand, Indonesien, Kambodscha

In unserer Serie „China-Plus Strategien“ stellen wir Ihnen die Möglichkeiten und Notwendigkeiten einer Expansion innerhalb Asiens vor. Dabei sind in manchen Bereichen die Unterschiede innerhalb Asiens ebenso groß, wie der Unterschied von China ...


The Trans-Pacific Partnership and its Impact on Asian Markets

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and its Impact on Asian Markets

In this issue of Asia Briefing magazine, we examine where the TPP agreement stands right now, look at the potential impact of the participating nations, as well as examine how it will affect Asian economies that have not been included.


Annual Audit and Compliance in China 2016

Annual Audit and Compliance in China 2016

In this issue of China Briefing, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the various annual compliance procedures that foreign invested enterprises in China will have to follow, including wholly-foreign owned enterprises, joint ventures, foreign-inves...


A Single Economic Space From Lisbon to Vladivostok

A Single Economic Space From Lisbon to Vladivostok

This issue of Russia Briefing introduces the idea of a single economic space between Lisbon and Vladivostok. It presents the history of this concept as well as the potential benefits if it had been realized.


Import & Export in Vietnam: settori chiave e accordi di libero scambio

Import & Export in Vietnam: settori chiave e accordi di libero scambio

In questo numero di Vietnam Briefing, esaminiamo gli aspetti chiave dell'import e dell'€™export del Paese, focalizzato sul tessile, sulla telefonia e sulla componentistica delle automobili. Inoltre, analizziamo le opportunità  per il Vietnam alla...

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