Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Comparison of Employment Visa Requirements in China, India and Vietnam

Comparison of Employment Visa Requirements in China, India and Vietnam

This infographic compares employment visa requirements in China, India and Vietnam.


Comparison of Termination Procedures in China, India, and Vietnam

Comparison of Termination Procedures in China, India, and Vietnam

This infographic compares the two types of terminations and severance payment due in China, India and Vietnam


Age of Vietnam's Internet Users

Age of Vietnam's Internet Users

This infographic shows the composition of Vietnam's internet users by ages.


How Much Time Does Vietnam Spend Online Per Day?

How Much Time Does Vietnam Spend Online Per Day?

This infographic shows you how much time Vietnamese people spend online per day.


How Does Vietnam Access The Internet?

How Does Vietnam Access The Internet?

This infographic shows how Vietnam people access the internet.


How Does Vietnam Pay for Online Shopping?

How Does Vietnam Pay for Online Shopping?

This infographic shows how Vietnamese pay for online shopping.


What Percentage of Vietnamese Consumers are Buying These Products Online?

What Percentage of Vietnamese Consumers are Buying These Products Online?

This infographic shows what percentages of Vietnamese consumers are buying these products shown on the picture online.


Timeline for Tax Filing in India

Timeline for Tax Filing in India

This prezi navigates you through the several deadlines for filing personal income tax return and other financial statements of a company in India.


Comparison of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind-AS) and International Financial R...

Comparison of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind-AS) and International Financial R...

This prezi compares different aspects of the Indian Accounting Standards and the commonly used International Financial Reporting Standards.


What kind of entity should I set up in China for my business in the advertising ...

What kind of entity should I set up in China for my business in the advertising ...

Since the advertising and publishing industries are both restricted in China, foreign investors who wish to operate in any of these areas would need to set up a Joint Venture with a Chinese partner. For this to be successful, the foreign equity would...


What steps should a business take when considering how to benefit from Double Ta...

What steps should a business take when considering how to benefit from Double Ta...

A business should take the following steps to receive any benefits from Double Tax Agreements in Vietnam:  Examine if their services are included under the specific DTA  Examine if the DTA includes any other benefits, for example withho...


EURObiz - March/ April 2015

EURObiz - March/ April 2015

Cyber security is a topic that has been making waves in international media over the past year. The issue has drawn increasing attention since the beginning of 2015, with much of the focus on recent policy developments that have been coming from Chin...

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