Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



New Regulations for Representative Offices in China

New Regulations for Representative Offices in China

This presentation by Rosario Di Maggio, Manager, will guide you through tax related changes in China, including: the increase of minimum deemed profit tax rate, tax exemption changes, and more stringent regulations on accounting requirements and othe...


Umsatzsteuer in Asien

Umsatzsteuer in Asien

In dieser Ausgabe von Asia Briefing befassen wir uns mit dem Thema Steuern in China, Vietnam und Indien. Konkret geht es um die Umsatzsteuer, einer Steuer, die nicht nur für Import und Export, sondern allgemein äußerst wichtig für das Han...


What are the rules and regulations regarding environment protection tax (EPT) in...

What are the rules and regulations regarding environment protection tax (EPT) in...

Environment protection tax (EPT) is tax that is levied on goods that have the possibility to harm the environment such as gasoline, coal and other chemicals. Environment Protection Tax is an indirect tax which is applicable to certain kinds of g...


Shanghai New Free Trade Zone and Its Incentives For Companies presented by Angel...

Shanghai New Free Trade Zone and Its Incentives For Companies presented by Angel...

Ms. Angela Ma, talks about China's new free trade zone in Shanghai. She also provides insights into one-step application processing platform for company establishment in free trade zone.


India Taxes for Foreign-Invested Enterprises

India Taxes for Foreign-Invested Enterprises

Gunjan Sinha, Country Manager of India for Dezan Shira & Associates, discusses the most important taxes for foreign-invested enterprises in India.


Importieren nach Asien

Importieren nach Asien

In dieser Ausgabe von Asia Briefing befassen wir uns mit dem Thema des Imports von Gütern nach China, Vietnam und Indien. Viele der asiatischen Staaten haben sich in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten von Billiglohnländern zu Staaten mit Konsumgesells...


Triggering Permanent Establishment Status in China presented by Angela Ma

Triggering Permanent Establishment Status in China presented by Angela Ma

Angela Ma, International Business Advisory associate, provides insights into how permanent establishment (PE) is triggered in China and some of the major tax implications associated with permanent establishment.


Setting up a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise in China presented by Angela Ma

Setting up a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise in China presented by Angela Ma

Ms. Angela Ma,talks about the process of setting up a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) in China.


Establishing a Representative Office in Vietnam

Establishing a Representative Office in Vietnam

In this podcast we will introduce the advantages and the procedures of establishing a representative office in Vietnam and the alternatives to the RO once its mission is finished.


Tax Burdens of Paying Dividends from China to Overseas

Tax Burdens of Paying Dividends from China to Overseas

This infographic shows the tax burdens when dividends are being paid out of China to overseas.


Procedures for Outward Payment of Service Fees and Royalties

Procedures for Outward Payment of Service Fees and Royalties

This infographic details the necessary steps which need to be taken for outward payment of service fees and royalties.


Service Fees between China and Overseas Entities

Service Fees between China and Overseas Entities

This infographic details the exchange of service fees between the foreign-invested enterprise in China and its parent company abroad.

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