Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



How should foreign investors adapt when setting up a wholly foreign owned enterp...

How should foreign investors adapt when setting up a wholly foreign owned enterp...

Foreign investors need to adapt their presence to serve China’s domestic consumer market. To engage in distribution, an existing manufacturing wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) will need to expand its business scope. Adding distribution in...


What are China's regulations on granting Double Taxation Avoidance?

What are China's regulations on granting Double Taxation Avoidance?

Before it will grant DTA (Double Taxation Avoidance) relief from Withholding Tax on dividends, interest or royalties, the SAT (State Administration on Taxation) must be satisfied that the applicant company in a DTA partner jurisdiction is indeed the ...


When is withholding tax charged in China?

When is withholding tax charged in China?

Withholding Tax (WT) is charged on an array of service fees billed by a company in its home jurisdiction to a company (either a client or subsidiary) in China for services provided by the former to the latter. As corporate income tax (CIT) cannot be ...


What are the different types of distribution which wholly foreign owned enterpri...

What are the different types of distribution which wholly foreign owned enterpri...

The different types of distribution which can be carried out by WFOEs in China are as follows:  Retailing: i.e., selling goods from fixed venues or via television, telephone, mail order, internet, or vending machines, and related services.&nb...


Why is the significance of permanent establishment in DTAs?

Why is the significance of permanent establishment in DTAs?

Permanent establishment (PE) – defined as a fixed place at which the business of an enterprise is carried out in a given country. If a non-resident enterprise (in terms of China) is a tax resident of a jurisdiction that has a DTA in place with ...


What is the main objective for the revised Environmental Protection Laws and how...

What is the main objective for the revised Environmental Protection Laws and how...

Overall, the revised law emphasizes the principles of transparency, accountability, rule of law, and public participation in environmental monitoring. These make it inevitable that the costs of doing business in China for foreign-invested enterprises...


What is the methods of applying for DTA benefits in China?

What is the methods of applying for DTA benefits in China?

For foreign investors doing business in China, securing DTA benefits is an important measure for reducing the tax burden as stipulated by Chinese tax law and thereby maximizing profit. In addition to satisfying the specific requirements of the releva...


How are individuals taxed in Hong Kong, and who must file annual tax returns in ...

How are individuals taxed in Hong Kong, and who must file annual tax returns in ...

Individuals are taxed at a progressive rates on their net chargeable income (i.e assessable income after deductions and allowances) starting at 2% and ending at 17% or at a standard rate of 15% on net income (i.e. income after deductions), depending ...


How are employer tax compliance requirements different in India than any other A...

How are employer tax compliance requirements different in India than any other A...

Employers are required to withhold tax on various payments including rent, interest, dividend, royalty, and service income. In this sense, the compliance requirements for employers are more complex in India than in any other countries explored. Busin...


What is the significance of PAN to employers in India?

What is the significance of PAN to employers in India?

In addition to witholding individual income tax monthly, businesses must issue an annual certificate within two months from the end of the tax year to employees regarding the amount of tax deducted at the source of income. All employees must  be...


What aspects of Personal Income Tax (PIT) are Vietnamese employers responsible f...

What aspects of Personal Income Tax (PIT) are Vietnamese employers responsible f...

Employers are required to collect taxes on employee income for both foreign and local Vietnamese employees. Employers must withhold the require percentage of their employees personal income, and deposit the monthly amount with the state treasury no l...


How have the wages for Chinese people developed in China and what are the prospe...

How have the wages for Chinese people developed in China and what are the prospe...

In recent years, the Chinese government has been pushing for pay increases to retain public support and boost domestic consumption. Wages have also risen as millions of Chinese move from the countryside into the cities, and as employers struggle to f...

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