Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



I am the director of a medical device company in the U.S. and I am looking to fu...

I am the director of a medical device company in the U.S. and I am looking to fu...

There are a few options for you when looking to invest in the medical device industry. China is currently one of the world’s most promising markets for medical devices. China relies heavily on foreign imports for its medical supplies and device...


How does China source its medical supplies and devices?

How does China source its medical supplies and devices?

China relies heavily on foreign imports for its medical supplies and devices. This is especially true for high-tech, high-price items, for which the U.S., Germany and Japan serve as major exporters. Additionally, there are several thou...


Why is there such a discrepancy between foreign and Chinese producers of medical...

Why is there such a discrepancy between foreign and Chinese producers of medical...

The discrepancy between foreign and Chinese producers of medical devices is commonly attributed to the high entry barriers for the higher-end medical device market: producing more technologically advanced equipment is capital-intensive...


How has the Chinese Government reacted to the discrepancy between foreign and Ch...

How has the Chinese Government reacted to the discrepancy between foreign and Ch...

This trend has recently led the China National Health and Family Planning Commission to announce the launch of a policy favoring local producers of medical devices, as a means of bringing down rising health care costs. The policy inclu...


Which legislation regulates the supervision and administration of medical device...

Which legislation regulates the supervision and administration of medical device...

(State Council Order No. 650), effective June 1, 2014 Order 650 is the highest level regulation governing the registration and record-keeping of medical devices, requirements for product manufacturing and distribution, and liability fo...


What is China's risk based classification and administration for medical devices...

What is China's risk based classification and administration for medical devices...

The classification regime for medical devices in China differs significantly from those in the European Union and United States. For example, a device considered to be Class II in the U.S. or Class II-a/II-b in the E.U. may be consider...


How does the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment regulate the...

How does the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment regulate the...

The Catalogue is the framework document for setting restrictions/ prohibitions on foreign investment into certain industries in China, and is jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Commerce. Re...


What licensing regimes are put in place for commercial entities engaging in the ...

What licensing regimes are put in place for commercial entities engaging in the ...

Generally, any commercial entity engaged in the manufacture or trade of medical devices must obtain specific licenses in addition to the standard business licenses for operating a company in China. The procedures and requirements for o...


Asia Briefing Kompakt: Steuerpaket

Asia Briefing Kompakt: Steuerpaket

China, Indien, Vietnam. Alle drei Staaten haben in den letzten Jahren Ihre Steuersysteme verändert und angepasst, um für ausländische Unternehmen attraktiver zu wirken. Genauso haben die asiatischen Staaten unter sich, aber auch mit westlich...


Asia Briefing Kompakt: Personalwesen

Asia Briefing Kompakt: Personalwesen

Eine Zusammenstellung der Asia Briefing Magazine zum Thema Personalwesen im bevölkerungsreichsten Kontinent. Für den Unternehmer ist es genauso wichtig zu wissen, wie ausländische sowie einheimische Arbeitnehmer legal eingestellt werden ...


China Briefing Kompakt: China Manager Crashkurs

China Briefing Kompakt: China Manager Crashkurs

Der China-Manager Crashkurs. Chinas Wirtschaft wandelt sich, und damit auch die Rolle der internationalen Unternehmen. War vor einigen Jahren China ein beliebter Standort für Sourcing, fokussieren sich inzwischen viele Unternehmen wegen der neuen ...


Asia Briefing Kompakt: Chinas Nachbarn

Asia Briefing Kompakt: Chinas Nachbarn

In den letzten 10 Jahren hat China einen gigantischen Sprung nach vorn Richtung Wirtschaftsmacht getätigt. Asien bietet jedoch ein noch größeres Panorama als nur China. Vor allem mit der vollständigen Realisierung der ASEAN Wirtschaftsgem...

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