Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are some of the trends which can be seen in China?s wage-labor market in 20...

What are some of the trends which can be seen in China?s wage-labor market in 20...

China has been a popular destination for foreign manufacturers because of its cost-effectiveness. Low wages and taxes combined with a well-constructed supply chain infrastructure have been attractive attributes of the Chinese wage-labor market. Howev...


Business Now January 2015

Business Now January 2015

Business Now is the official monthly magazine of AmCham China. It reports on the chamber’s members, activities and current issues affecting China. This issue takes a look at the manufacturing sector. News about manufacturing in China lately has ...


Top 10 Expat-Nationalitäten in China

Top 10 Expat-Nationalitäten in China

China ist aufgrund seiner Wirtschaft und großem Arbeitsmarkt sehr attraktiv für Expats. Die nachfolgende Grafik zeigt den Anteil der verschieden Länder in China an.


Anzahl an Expats in den Städten

Anzahl an Expats in den Städten

Viele Expats leben in den Tier 1 Stadt wie Shanghai oder Peking, jedoch ist der größte Anteil in der Provinz Guangdong. Wie viele Expats in den verschiedene Provinzen entlang der Küste arbeiten, wird anhand dieser Grafik verdeutlicht.


Using China’s Free Trade & Double Tax Agreements

Using China’s Free Trade & Double Tax Agreements

In this issue of China Briefing, we examine the role of Free Trade Agreements and the various regional blocs that China is either a member of or considering becoming so, as well as how these can be of significance to your China business. We also exam...


What are some of the commonly encountered problems when hiring Vietnamese staff ...

What are some of the commonly encountered problems when hiring Vietnamese staff ...

The Vietnamese government is currently promoting English education but still many Vietnamese only have a basic level of English. They therefore encounter difficulties in conducting business negiotiations in the language. A lot of Vietnamese ha...


How is overtime pay calculated in Vietnam?

How is overtime pay calculated in Vietnam?

Overtime is calculated based on the employee's current salary. For regular working days it is 150% of their salary, weekends 200% and paid leave days and holidays 300%.


As a foreign worker in Vietnam, which kind of insurance do I need and how much i...

As a foreign worker in Vietnam, which kind of insurance do I need and how much i...

Foreign staff only need to pay for health insurance, whilst Vietnamese locals need to pay for social, unemployment and health insurance. The amount payable is based on the employee's salary as stated in the labour contract and is capped at 20 times t...


Am I, as a foreign national, classified as a tax resident in Vietnam?

Am I, as a foreign national, classified as a tax resident in Vietnam?

 If you meet any of the following criteria, you are classified as a tax resident in Vietnam: You stay in Vietnam for over 183 days in one 12 month period You have permanent residence there You have a leased residence there (ie. hotel, hoste...


How has China?s Free Trade Agreement with ASEAN changed global manufacturing tre...

How has China?s Free Trade Agreement with ASEAN changed global manufacturing tre...

Prior to 2007, much of the global chain moved to China to take advantage of its well-organized infrastructure, cheap labor, and ultra-low taxes. However, after the implementation of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of 2007, tax incentives in China were ...


2015 Eurocham Shanghai Position Paper

2015 Eurocham Shanghai Position Paper

The Shanghai Position Paper compiles the latest assessments and concerns of European businesses operating in Shanghai with the aim of offering constructive recommendations to Shanghai’s policy-makers. These recommendations are offered in the spi...


Cash Repatriation Strategies: From China to Israel - Tax, Foreign Exchange and R...

Cash Repatriation Strategies: From China to Israel - Tax, Foreign Exchange and R...

Repatriating funds that were obtained in China can be a complicated matter. Many Israeli companies struggle to transfer profits earned in China out of the country in an efficient way. There are number of possible repatriation mechanisms an FIE can...

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