Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Cash Repatriation Strategies: From China to Israel - Tax, Foreign Exchange and R...

Cash Repatriation Strategies: From China to Israel - Tax, Foreign Exchange and R...

Repatriating funds that were obtained in China can be a complicated matter. Many Israeli companies struggle to transfer profits earned in China out of the country in an efficient way. There are number of possible repatriation mechanisms an FIE can ad...


EURObiz - January/ February 2015

EURObiz - January/ February 2015

Europe’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) represent 99 per cent of European businesses and employ over 65 million European citizens. They play a pivotal role in the creation of wealth and economic growth and are important drivers of inn...


DPRK Business Monthly: January 2015

DPRK Business Monthly: January 2015

The latest issue of DPRK Business Monthly is now available as a complimentary PDF download on the Asia Briefing Bookstore. This regular publication looks at current international, domestic, and peninsular affairs concerning North Korea while also off...


What is the significance of ASEAN?s Free Trade Agreements with China and India?

What is the significance of ASEAN?s Free Trade Agreements with China and India?

The Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between these countries have removed import/export tariffs on 90 percent of all manufactured goods to zero essentially. Therefore, preferential access to ASEAN manufacturing is not solely granted to countries within t...


What is the difference between ?indirect? and ?direct? sourcing in Asia?

What is the difference between ?indirect? and ?direct? sourcing in Asia?

An indirect method of managing a sourcing operation means employing offices that cannot undertake any commercial or industrial activities, receive payment in local currency, or manage export/import activities. Indirect methods are relatively uniform ...


How is production quality becoming a more important standard for importers of As...

How is production quality becoming a more important standard for importers of As...

In the past decade, importers’ procurement strategies have greatly changed. The objectives of these offices now focus on reducing the number of quality issues, reducing the cost of monitoring quality, and more generally reducing the total cost ...


How are importers helping Asian exporters improve production quality standards?

How are importers helping Asian exporters improve production quality standards?

Importers that are specialized in a product line are spearheading the growing trend for improving production quality standards because of the hands-on nature of their operations. Many Western companies have started to invest in improving their supply...


Import and Export: A Guide to Trade in Vietnam

Import and Export: A Guide to Trade in Vietnam

In this issue of Vietnam Briefing Magazine, we provide you with a clear understanding of the current business trends related to trade in Vietnam, as well as explaining how to set up your trading business in the country. We also attempt to give perspe...


How Small Companies Can Make the Most of the Changing Foreign Exchange Rules in ...

How Small Companies Can Make the Most of the Changing Foreign Exchange Rules in ...

Hannah Feng, Senior Manager of our Corporate Accounting Services team in Dezan Shira & Associates' Beijing office, discusses the key reforms to foreign exchange rules for trade in goods.


Welche Vertragstypen für Angestellte gibt es in China und welche Bedingungen sin...

Welche Vertragstypen für Angestellte gibt es in China und welche Bedingungen sin...

Grundsätzlich werden in China 6 verschiedene Vertragstypen unterschieden, diese sind der Projektbezogene Vertrag, Teilzeit Vertrag, Befristete Vertrag, Unbefristete Vertrag, Entsendung und das Outsourcing. Wichtige Bedingungen sind zum Ei...


Welche Informationen sollte ein Arbeitsvertrag in China enthalten?

Welche Informationen sollte ein Arbeitsvertrag in China enthalten?

Zwingende Details im Arbeitsvertrag sind jegliche Informationen zum Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer, Anfangsdatum und Dauer, Positionsbeschreibung und Einsatzort, Arbeitsstunden, bereitgestellter Urlaub und Länge sowie Frequenz der Pausenzeiten.


Welche Arten von Arbeitsverträgen gibt es in Vietnam?

Welche Arten von Arbeitsverträgen gibt es in Vietnam?

Arbeitnehmern stehen in Vietnam 3 verschiedene Arbeitsverträge zur Verfügung.

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