Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Can the Union Budget 2020 Revive India’s Economy?

Can the Union Budget 2020 Revive India’s Economy?

Join us in this webinar to decode the key budget announcements and understand the expenditure and receipt (revenue) side of the budget.


Garantire l’efficienza del business in Cina durante l’epidemia da coronaviru...

Garantire l’efficienza del business in Cina durante l’epidemia da coronaviru...

A circa un mese dall’inizio della crisi gli effetti generati dall’epidemia stanno mostrando ripercussioni sulla gestione delle societa` cinesi. Valeria Manunza, dall’ufficio Dezan Shira & Associates’ di Milano, intervista e discute con Riccar...


FAQs: Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in India

FAQs: Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in India

Who can establish Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in India? An SEZ can be established jointly or individually by the central government, a state government or its agencies, or private sector, including a foreign company, for the purpose of manufact...


DPRK Business Monthly: January 2020

DPRK Business Monthly: January 2020

This regular publication looks at current international, domestic, and peninsular affairs concerning North Korea while also offering commentary and tourism information on the country.


Announcement on Personal Income Tax Policies for Overseas Income - China

Announcement on Personal Income Tax Policies for Overseas Income - China


Руководство: Ведение бизнеса в Китае

Руководство: Ведение бизнеса в Китае

В данном руководстве Китай Брифинг мы предлагаем иностранным инвесторам подробное руководство по выходу и ведению бизнеса в Китае. Вы с...


Establishing a Foreign Company in India

Establishing a Foreign Company in India

India is an attractive destination for foreign investors due to its large consumer-oriented market, low labor costs, and rising global competitiveness. Despite the recent dip in the growth rate, India features among the top 10 countries for global FD...


Corporate Sustainability in China

Corporate Sustainability in China

Faced with the new reality of a slowing economy and ongoing environmental issues, China now sees sustainability as essential to ensuring long-term viability for both its economy and its citizens’ quality of life. As the issue of sustainability gain...


Mergers and Acquisitions in Vietnam

Mergers and Acquisitions in Vietnam

Seven years since joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), Vietnam remains committed to integrating further into the world economy. It is in this context that mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have become an increasingly popular investment route. Wit...


Goods and Services Tax (GST) on Overseas Transactions

Goods and Services Tax (GST) on Overseas Transactions

Under the GST regime, exports are treated as ‘zero-rated supplies’. That is, supplies on which the GST rate is fixed as zero. It is the endeavour of the government to ensure that exports are encouraged by providing necessary tax breaks. ...


The Key Considerations for Year-End Tax Treatment and the 2019 Preferential Tax ...

The Key Considerations for Year-End Tax Treatment and the 2019 Preferential Tax ...

2019 has been a productive year in terms of new tax policies. The new Individual Income Tax Law which took effect from January 1st, 2019; a series of tax-cutting measures targeted at low-profit enterprises; and a recent announcement on entitlement of...


Setting up in Indonesia

Setting up in Indonesia

After overcoming the Asian financial crisis in 1998, Indonesia developed into a vibrant democracy with the largest and most dynamic economy in Southeast Asia. The country’s GDP has grown at a consistent pace at just above five percent in the past y...

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