Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Procedure per il Visto e il Permesso di Lavoro in Asia

Procedure per il Visto e il Permesso di Lavoro in Asia

La domanda di cittadini stranieri qualificati resta elevata in tutto il continente asiatico, tuttavia quando si tratta di condurre affari come cittadino straniero in un altro paese, è importante essere a conoscenza delle norme relative al soggiorn...


Work Visa and Permit Procedures Across Asia

Work Visa and Permit Procedures Across Asia

In this edition of Asia Briefing Magazine, we outline the specific documents required for foreign nationals working in China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, as well as highlight the relevant application proc...


Using China WFOEs in the Service and Manufacturing Industries

Using China WFOEs in the Service and Manufacturing Industries

The wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) is one of the most common investment vehicles for foreign investors entering into the Chinese market, and can be used to engage in the service or manufacturing sectors. In this issue of China Briefing Magazi...


Trading With India

Trading With India

This issue of India Briefing Magazine, Trading With India, focuses on the dynamics driving India as a global trading hub. Within this issue, you will find tips for buying and selling in India from overseas, as well as how to set up a trading company ...


Eine Einführung in Asiens Steuerabkommen

Eine Einführung in Asiens Steuerabkommen

In dieser Ausgabe desAsia Briefing Magazins werden die verschiedenen Arten von Handels-und Steuerabkommen, die zwischen asiatischen Nationen existieren, analysiert. Dazu gehören unter anderem bilaterale Investitionsverträge - die zwar etwas aus...


Un’introduzione ai Trattati Fiscali dell’Asia

Un’introduzione ai Trattati Fiscali dell’Asia

In questo numero di Asia Briefing, forniremo un’introduzione ai principali trattati fiscali e commerciali in essere tra i paesi dell’Asia, quali Trattati contro la Doppia Imposizione, Norme Anti-Evasione e Trattati Bilaterali sugli Investim...


An Introduction to Tax Treaties Throughout Asia

An Introduction to Tax Treaties Throughout Asia

In this issue of Asia Briefing Magazine, we look at the various types of trade and tax treaties that exist between Asian nations. These include bilateral investment treaties - which are somewhat unfashionable, yet still the major focal point of bilat...


E-Commerce in China

E-Commerce in China

In this issue of China Briefing Magazine, we cover the current laws pertinent to the e-commerce industry in China, as well as introduce the steps involved in setting up an online shop in the country in order to help provide foreign investors with an ...


Sourcing from China

Sourcing from China

In this issue of China Briefing Magazine, we outline the various sourcing models available for foreign investors - representative offices, service companies and trading companies - and discuss how to decide which structure best suits the sourcing nee...


Re-evaluating Your Vietnam Representative Office

Re-evaluating Your Vietnam Representative Office

This issue of Vietnam Briefing examines ROs - the processes of working with them, and the rationale for either upgrading or closing them. We explain not just how to close up your RO, but also list out the common reasons for doing so. In addition, we ...


Eine Einführung in Asiens Entwicklungszonen

Eine Einführung in Asiens Entwicklungszonen

Der politische Einsatzvon Entwicklungszonenin ihren unterschiedlichenErscheinungsformenist ein wirksamesModell, welches besonders in den letzten 25 Jahren durch China einen Bekanntheitsgrad erreicht hat und welches sowohl für ausländische Inves...


Introduzione alle zone di investimento in Asia

Introduzione alle zone di investimento in Asia

In questo numero di Asia Briefing, analizzeremo i vari tipi di zone economiche e aree per investimenti disponibili in Cina, India e Vietnam, illustrandone caratteristiche e vantaggi principali. Presenteremo poi una fotografia delle più recenti eco...

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