Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Why are double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAs) beneficial to companies repa...

Why are double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAs) beneficial to companies repa...

Companies repatriating dividends need to be aware of whether or not there is a DTA in place between China and their home country, which can reduce the 10 percent withholding tax on dividends to 5-8 percent. This is not something that tax authorities ...


Podcast The Anatomy of Corporate Hijacking presented by Chet Scheltema

Podcast The Anatomy of Corporate Hijacking presented by Chet Scheltema

Chet Scheltema,International Business Advisory Manager, introduces the concept of corporate hijacking and how foreign business can prevent this from happening to their operations in China.


Introduction to General VAT Taxpayer Status presented by Chet Scheltema

Introduction to General VAT Taxpayer Status presented by Chet Scheltema

Chet Scheltema, International Business Advisory Manager, talks about the general VAT taxpayer status and how businesses can effectively manage the VAT systems.


Quali sono le alternative alla manodopera cinese?

 Quali sono le alternative alla manodopera cinese?

Negli ultimi anni la concorrenza per la produzione finalizzata all’esportazione sta iniziando a farsi sentire nei diversi paesi asiatici, ove i costi fissi sono generalmente inferiori rispetto alla Cina. Due paesi che rappresentano una valid...


Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) in Singapore presented by Chris Devonshire-Ell...

Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) in Singapore presented by Chris Devonshire-Ell...

Chris Devonshire-Ellis, Founder of Dezan Shira & Associate, talks about what DTAs are and how they impact doing business in Singapore.


Qual è il paese ideale per le aziende che intendono fare business con i paesi A...

 Qual è il paese ideale per le aziende che intendono fare business con i paesi A...

Singapore è senz’altro il luogo ideale. Le società a Singapore beneficiano di un’aliquota sull’imposta dei redditi societarie pari al 17% e zero imposte sui dividendi generali oltre confine. Una società d...


Quali sono gli ultimi cambiamenti sulla legge Societaria di Singapore?

Quali sono gli ultimi cambiamenti sulla legge Societaria di Singapore?

Dalla metà del 2013 andrà in vigore la revisione sulla legge Societaria di Singapore. I vantaggi sono: Alle società in genere sarà permesso emettere azioni senza diritto di voto e azioni con più diritti...


Choosing a sourcing location in Vietnam

Choosing a sourcing location in Vietnam

This infographic details a detailed breakdown of the key areas throughout the country for a variety of common business products.


Representative office in Vietnam

Representative office in Vietnam

This infographic details the flow between an RO and its Vietnam customers and other customers.


Limited Liability Service Company in Vietnam

Limited Liability Service Company in Vietnam

This infographic details the flow between a limited liability service company and its Vietnam customers and other customers.


Limited Liability Trading Company in Vietnam

Limited Liability Trading Company in Vietnam

This infographic details the flow between a limited liability trading company and its Vietnam customers and other customers.


Comparison Between the Different Sourcing Models in Vietnam

Comparison Between the Different Sourcing Models in Vietnam

This infographic details the comparison between the different sourcing models in Vietnam.

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