Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



An Introduction to Development Zones Across Asia

An Introduction to Development Zones Across Asia

The use of development zones in their different guises has been an effective model essentially brought to prominence by China over the past 25 years to help both foreign investors and domestic companies meet in a relationship that provides tax advant...


Understanding Permanent Establishments in China

Understanding Permanent Establishments in China

With an increasing number of foreign enterprises starting to conduct business in China, tax liabilities resulting from business activities in China are quickly becoming an issue of key concern. Many foreign enterprises that conduct business in China ...


An Introduction to Audit in India

An Introduction to Audit in India

To coincide with the commencement of India’s annual audit season, this issue of India Briefing Magazine provides an overview of Indian audit procedures for the non-audit foreign executive based in India, as well as for the CFO at the head office...


Merger & Acquisition Regulations in China

Merger & Acquisition Regulations in China

In this issue of China Briefing, we return to a popular subject - China’s M&A regulatory framework. With the global economy slowly coming out of recession, and Chinese businesses wanting to expand both domestically and overseas (both issues driv...


Die Erweiterung Ihres Chinageschäfts nach Indien und Vietnam

Die Erweiterung Ihres Chinageschäfts nach Indien und Vietnam

Da Betriebskosten in China weiterhin steigen, überlegen eine wachsende Zahl an Unternehmen ihre China-basierten Einrichtungen entweder umzusiedeln oder Teile der Produktion in andere Schwellenländermärkte in Asien zu verlagern, in welchen di...


Investire dalla Cina verso India e Vietnam

Investire dalla Cina verso India e Vietnam

Con il continuo aumentare dei costi operativi e di gestione in Cina, sempre più società stanno riflettendo sulla possibilità di trasferire o espandere parte delle proprie strutture produttive o di acquisto, attualmente in Cina, in altri merc...


Trading with China

Trading with China

This month’s China Briefing cover art could not be more apt, as it shows the famous Chinese seafarer Zheng He, trading Chinese goods with the West (the image appears to be set in what is now Istanbul). Considering this painting shows him as a yo...


Expanding Your China Business to India and Vietnam

Expanding Your China Business to India and Vietnam

As operational costs in China continue to rise, an increasing number of companies are looking at either relocating or moving part of their China-based facilities to lower cost markets elsewhere in emerging Asia. This makes sense since China itself is...


India's Taxes for Foreign-invested Entities

India's Taxes for Foreign-invested Entities

Recent tax amendment controversy creates an excellent opportunity to provide an overview of the relevant taxes for foreign-invested entities in India, including the most important points for 2013 – goods and service tax reform, proposed tax revi...


Are You Ready for ASEAN 2015?

Are You Ready for ASEAN 2015?

Although both China and India have recently signed free trade agreements with ASEAN, many businesses still seem blissfully unaware of the free trade agreements and economic partnerships that are dramatically changing Asia’s business opportunitie...


Annual Compliance, License Renewals & Audit Procedures

Annual Compliance, License Renewals & Audit Procedures

In this issue, we discuss annual compliance requirements for China foreign-invested entities (FIEs), with notes on regional differences and tips from experienced accountants and auditors. We detail the full audit processes for Representative Offices,...


Sind Sie bereit für ASEAN 2015?

Sind Sie bereit für ASEAN 2015?

Viele Unternehmen sind sich der neu entstandenen Geschäftsmöglichkeiten, die die ASEAN Freihandelsabkommen bieten, jedoch noch nicht bewusst. In dieser ersten Ausgabe des Asia Briefing Magazins konzentrieren wir uns auf die Veränderungen, di...

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