Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



When is profit allowed to be repatriated in China?

When is profit allowed to be repatriated in China?

Profit is allowed to be repatriated in China if an entity complies with all of the following points: The wholly foreign-owned enterprise’s (WFOE) registered capital has been injected within the time limits as set out in the Article of Associ...


Why are double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAs) beneficial to companies repa...

Why are double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAs) beneficial to companies repa...

Companies repatriating dividends need to be aware of whether or not there is a DTA in place between China and their home country, which can reduce the 10 percent withholding tax on dividends to 5-8 percent. This is not something that tax authorities ...


What is the state of India?s retail market and why does it represent such an ent...

What is the state of India?s retail market and why does it represent such an ent...

With the number of potential Indian consumers well over one billion, retail in India presents a substantial opportunity for foreign investors. From 2010-2012 the sector grew by over 10 percent annually, with analysts predicting a compound annual grow...


Why do many investors resort to acquisitions to establish operations in India, a...

Why do many investors resort to acquisitions to establish operations in India, a...

Acquiring an existing Indian firm to facilitate entry into India offers advantages to foreign investors such as reduced supply chain and establishment costs, a pre-existing sales base and a rapid establishment of market position, to name a few. Howev...


Passage to India: Selling to India's Consumer Market

Passage to India: Selling to India's Consumer Market

In this issue of India Briefing Magazine, we explore several key growth sectors and industries that enhance India’s appeal to foreign companies seeking out new markets for their products and services. For overseas firms exploring the diverse ran...


Podcast The Anatomy of Corporate Hijacking presented by Chet Scheltema

Podcast The Anatomy of Corporate Hijacking presented by Chet Scheltema

Chet Scheltema,International Business Advisory Manager, introduces the concept of corporate hijacking and how foreign business can prevent this from happening to their operations in China.


Introduction to General VAT Taxpayer Status presented by Chet Scheltema

Introduction to General VAT Taxpayer Status presented by Chet Scheltema

Chet Scheltema, International Business Advisory Manager, talks about the general VAT taxpayer status and how businesses can effectively manage the VAT systems.


Quali sono i veicoli d?ingresso a partecipazione estera per investire in Vietnam...

Quali sono i veicoli d?ingresso a partecipazione estera per investire in Vietnam...

Esistono 5 veicoli d’ingresso per gli investimenti stranieri in Vietnam: Società a responsabilità limitata, LLC: In tale società i soci rispondono soltato per i debiti della società nella misura del capita...


Quali sono le alternative alla manodopera cinese?

 Quali sono le alternative alla manodopera cinese?

Negli ultimi anni la concorrenza per la produzione finalizzata all’esportazione sta iniziando a farsi sentire nei diversi paesi asiatici, ove i costi fissi sono generalmente inferiori rispetto alla Cina. Due paesi che rappresentano una valid...


Qual l?attuale situazione della manodopera Cinese?

Qual  l?attuale situazione della manodopera Cinese?

Negli ultimi venti anni, in Cina, molte aziende hanno sfruttato a pieno la giovane forza lavoro fino a farla quasi esaurire. Oggi la Cina eredita una popolazione di cittadini anziani ma ancora potenzialmente poveri. Il governo ha promulgato in...


Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Singapore and Seychelles

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Singapore and Seychelles

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Singapore and Seychelles


Innovation & New Technologies: China–From “The World’s Factory” to “Th...

Innovation & New Technologies: China–From “The World’s Factory” to “Th...

China is facing major scientific and technological challenges abroad while locally catching up on both R&D and innovation. The reinforcement of policies to support innovation is one of the main priorities of the Chinese authorities’ “Nation...

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