Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Navigating HR Audits in China

Navigating HR Audits in China

Recent changes in China’s labor market have underscored the importance of having both an efficient HR system and a satisfied and reliable workforce, and the HR audit is a useful tool to ensure this. In this issue of China Briefing magazine, we prov...


Steps on How to Pay Corporate Profit

Steps on How to Pay Corporate Profit

This prezi explains crucial steps on how to pay corporate profit.


Who can conduct an HR audit?

Who can conduct an HR audit?

An HR audit can be conducted internally, if the organization’s own staff have the competence and the expertise necessary to do it. However, it is suggested that the organization hires outside legally-qualified counsel to perform the audit, beca...


An Introduction to Transfer Pricing in China

An Introduction to Transfer Pricing in China

In this presentation, Shirley Chu, Transfer Pricing Services Manager from Dezan Shira & Associates' Dalian office, will provide the basics of transfer pricing in China and how it affects multinational companies today.


The Guide to Manufacturing in Indonesia

The Guide to Manufacturing in Indonesia

This Prezi breaks down the characteristics of Indonesia's manufacturing environment and puts them side by side with those of the nation's ASEAN competitors.


Post-M&A Integration of Privately Held Chinese Companies: Practical Solutions to...

Post-M&A Integration of Privately Held Chinese Companies: Practical Solutions to...

In this presentation, Chet Scheltema, the regional director of Dezan Shira & Associates points out the most common financial challenges and risks companies may face in the Post-M&A Integration. Advice on how to avoid and deal with these challenges is...


Special Licenses and Certificates for Businesses in China's Food Industry

Special Licenses and Certificates for Businesses in China's Food Industry

This infographic provides information concerning four special licenses and certificates in China's food industry. Some of these certificates and licenses are required, while others are strongly encouraged by the government for businesses in specific...


What are the benefits of establishing a Limited Liability Company with Foreign D...

What are the benefits of establishing a Limited Liability Company with Foreign D...

Companies looking to establish themselves in an Indonesian market have four options available to them.  They can establish a Representative Office (KPPA), or a Representative Office for Trading (K3PA), which allow for foreign ownership, but do n...


As of 2016, what Corporate Income Tax incentives did Jokowi’s government offer...

As of 2016, what Corporate Income Tax incentives did Jokowi’s government offer...

For investors willing to invest IDR 1 trillion (about 76.75 million USD) into an Indonesian SEZ, Jokowi’s government offers 20-100% tax reductions for up to 25 years.  20-100% tax reductions are also available for those looking to invest I...


Strategies for Repatriating Funds from India

Strategies for Repatriating Funds from India

This Prezi offers viewers an introduction to Indian regulations concerning profit repatriation, as well as strategies for repatriation based on the legal nature of your office in India.


China Investment Roadmap: the Food & Beverage Industry

China Investment Roadmap: the Food & Beverage Industry

The vast opportunities and still nascent potential of China's food & beverage market should not be viewed without their caveats. Competition is stiff, both from other international companies and growing domestic ones, and the regulatory environment i...


An Introduction to Foreign Investment in Indonesia

An Introduction to Foreign Investment in Indonesia

Indonesia stands out in the ASEAN region for its competitive wages, large labor pool, and burgeoning domestic market. With a population exceeding 250 million, the country is poised to become an immensely lucrative market as it develops further and th...

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