Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Hong Kong and Singapore Holding Companies

Hong Kong and Singapore Holding Companies

Hong Kong and Singapore both offer very similar tax incentives for foreign companies, but there are differences between the two and tax rates differ, as do the strategic nuances and their use of various double tax treaties.


Manual para los gerentes en China

Manual para los gerentes en China

Decidir quién debe ejercer las posiciones clave en una empresa de inversión extranjera (FIE) en China, es a menudo una fuente de grandes dudas. Muchos hombres de negocios simplemente quieren saber en qué se están metiendo antes de firmar ...


Il manuale per i manager in Cina

Il manuale per i manager in Cina

Decidere chi dovrà ricoprire i ruoli strategici in una società a partecipazione straniera (Foreign Invested Enterprise o FIE) in Cina è spesso fonte di grossi dubbi.


Das China Handbuch für Manager

Das China Handbuch für Manager

Die Entscheidung, wer die Schlüsselpositionen in einem ausländisch investierten Unternehmen in China erhalten soll, ist nicht selten die Ursache für Verzögerungen. Viele Geschäftsleute wollen sich zunächst selbst klar werden, worauf...


Guide du Dirigeant en Chine

Guide du Dirigeant en Chine

Décider qui devrait remplir les rôles principaux dans une entreprise à capitaux étrangers en Chine est souvent source d’hésitations significatives.


The China Manager’s Handbook

The China Manager’s Handbook

Deciding who should fill the key roles in a foreign-invested enterprise (FIE) in China is often a source of significant hesitation.


Control y auditoría interna

Control y auditoría interna

A medida que más compañías dan prioridad a operaciones en China como parte de su estrategia de crecimiento a futuro, los sistemas de control interno poco efectivos ya no son una opción. Como tal, esta edición del China


Sistemi di Controllo Interno e Audit

Sistemi di Controllo Interno e Audit

Mentre la strategia di crescita futura di un numero sempre più elevato di aziende ruota attorno ad operazioni condotte in Cina o in Asia, sistemi di controllo interno non sufficientemente efficaci rischiano di compromettere il risultato economico ...


Innerbetriebliche Kontrolle und Audit

Innerbetriebliche Kontrolle und Audit

Immer mehr Unternehmen betrachten heutzutage ihre Da immer mehr Unternehmen ihr Chinageschäft als zukünftige Wachstumsstrategie priorisieren, sind wirksame interne Kontrollmechanismen in China unabdingbar.


Contrôle Interne et Audit

Contrôle Interne et Audit

Alors que de plus en plus d’entreprises confèrent la priorité de leur stratégie d’expansion à la Chine, les methods chinoises inefficaces de contrôle interne ne représentent plus une option.


Internal Control and Audit

Internal Control and Audit

As more companies prioritize China operations as part of their future growth strategy, less than effective internal control systems in China are no longer an option.


100% FOEs, JVs and the Promotion of Supporting Industries

100% FOEs, JVs and the Promotion of Supporting Industries

For investors looking to make forays into Vietnam, choosing between a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (100% FOE) and a joint venture (JV) can have significant implications, as both have their pros and cons and the permissible establishment details (s...

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