Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What aspect should be cautioned when using holding companies for Chinese or ASEA...

What aspect should be cautioned when using holding companies for Chinese or ASEA...

It must be noted that compliance with anti-avoidance tax rules from Hong Kong and Singapore is a must. The key to such compliance is to show that the holding company is a genuine business, i.e.: there must be economic substance to justify this tax...


What are the tax incentives for Hong Kong and Singapore holding companies?

What are the tax incentives for Hong Kong and Singapore holding companies?

Since both Hong Kong and Singapore have double taxations agreements with China and ASEAN countries, the withholding tax rate for profit repatriation to these two locations would normally be reduced. An instance would be that the Chinese withholding t...


Why are Hong Kong and Singapore holding companies attractive to foreign investor...

Why are Hong Kong and Singapore holding companies attractive to foreign investor...

In terms of ease of doing business, both locations take the stance of protecting investors and facilitating cross-border trade, by providing highly transparent business environment and favorable tax regime to businesses. Also, with English being the ...


Business relations between French SMEs and industrial groups in China

Business relations between French SMEs and industrial groups in China

This issue of Connexions gets a snapshot of French SMEs and French industrial groups’ ties in China. The magazine shows how both of these actors would benefit from strengthened relations - qualified as “decisive” by a 2011 report from ...


Vorbereitung der Jahresabschlussprüfung für Ihr Asiengeschäft

Vorbereitung der Jahresabschlussprüfung für Ihr Asiengeschäft

In dieser Ausgabe von Asia Briefing möchten wir Ihnen einen Überblick über die Ziele und Anforderungen der Compliance-Prüfungen in China, Indien und Vietnam bieten, damit Sie vor bösen Überraschungen in Rechts- und Steuerangelegenhe...


Gestione dei Libri Paga in Asia

Gestione dei Libri Paga in Asia

La riscossione delle entrate fiscali e la gestione della previdenza sociale sono due delle funzioni fondamentali esercitate da un governo. Nel processo di costituzione e nel corso della gestione di un business in Asia, le aziende devono prestare part...


Payroll Processing Across Asia

Payroll Processing Across Asia

In Asia Briefing Magazine’s first issue of 2014, we provide a country-by-country introduction to how payroll and social insurance systems work in China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, India and Singapore. We also compare three distinct models companies use...


Vietnam Briefing Magazine, February 2014 Issue: ?A Guide to Understanding Vietna...

Vietnam Briefing Magazine, February 2014 Issue: ?A Guide to Understanding Vietna...

This issue of Vietnam Briefing aims to clarify the entire VAT, short for value-added tax, process by taking you through an introduction as to what VAT is, liabilities that come with it, and how to pay it properly.


Profit Repatriation Procedure in China

Profit Repatriation Procedure in China

All foreign-invested enterprises in China are required to carry out annual compliance procedures as mandated by various governmental departments. Here are the steps for profit repatriation in China.


What would be an ideal location for offshore company to trade with India and wha...

What would be an ideal location for offshore company to trade with India and wha...

Singapore provides a procedurally easy and inexpensive option. Also, the tax rates are kept relatively low, comparing to other Asian countries and that it only taxes on profits made within Singapore, i.e.: if you make a profit in India, it is not sub...


Imposte societarie a confronto: Vietnam e Cina

Imposte societarie a confronto: Vietnam e Cina

Questo infographic fa un confronto tra Cina e Vietnam in merito alle: imposte sul profitto d’impresa, sul valore aggiunto e sull’imposizione sul rimpatrio dei dividendi.


Opzioni per l?entrata nel mercato indiano con entit a partecipazione estera

Opzioni per l?entrata nel mercato indiano con entit a partecipazione estera

Questo infographic confronta diversi veicoli d’ingesso per gli investimenti in India.

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