Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Persönliche Einkommenssteuer für Expats & Antrag für ein Arbeitsvisum

Persönliche Einkommenssteuer für Expats & Antrag für ein Arbeitsvisum

Da Jahressteuererklärungen Ende März fällig sind und neue Expats zum ersten Mal in China ankommen, versuchen wir einige der Missverständnisse, die dieses Thema umgeben, aufzuklären.


Les déclarations d’impôt sur le revenu pour les expatriés et les demandes d...

Les déclarations d’impôt sur le revenu pour les expatriés et les demandes d...

Bonne année et bienvenue dans ce numéro de janvier/février de China Briefing. Nous y examinerons la réglementation s’appliquant lors de la vérification annuelle de l’impôt sur le revenu pour les expatriés.


Expatriate Individual Income Tax Filings & Work Visa Applications

Expatriate Individual Income Tax Filings & Work Visa Applications

As annual tax declarations are due at the end of March and new-to-China expatriates arrive for the first time, we try to clear up some of the misconceptions that surround this subject.


Establishing Business in Vietnam

Establishing Business in Vietnam

In this issue of Vietnam Briefing, we focus on establishing a business in Vietnam, from the corporate and personal income tax regime,


Filing Your Annual Individual Tax Returns, Business License Renewals & Statutory...

Filing Your Annual Individual Tax Returns, Business License Renewals & Statutory...

In this issue, we take a good look at some annual house-keeping that needs to be carried out at this time of year: the renewal of corporate business licenses, the annual statutory audit, and individual income tax filings.


Individual Income Tax in India

Individual Income Tax in India

This issue of India Briefing deals with Expatriate Individual Income Tax in India, including determining the taxability of the expatriate employee, the obligations of the Indian based employer, and the minimizing of individual income tax via the use ...


Individual Income Tax in China

Individual Income Tax in China

Individual Income Tax in China is a complex subject and often misunderstood. Ask one expatriate, then ask another, and they'll give you different opinions. However unfortunately, expatriates do not decide China's tax regulations.

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