Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



How is annual return filed under Singaporean law?

How is annual return filed under Singaporean law?

Singaporean companies must file an annual return with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority within 1 month of the holding of the company’s annual general meeting. Annual return can be filed by engaging the services of a professiona...


What taxes, other than corporate income tax and capital gains tax, might a forei...

What taxes, other than corporate income tax and capital gains tax, might a forei...

The chief tax concern other than those mentioned would be service tax, which is currently charging a rate at 10 percent, with three percent as education cess on the value of total tax.   A dividends distribution tax is applicable on the distri...


What is service tax under Indian law?

What is service tax under Indian law?

Service tax is applicable to taxable services, at a rate around 13 percent. However, a small service provider whose value of taxable services is less than 1,000,000Rs in the previous financial year will be exempted. Currently, the Central Board ...


How are allowances taxed in India?

How are allowances taxed in India?

In Indian taxation law, allowances are generally not taxable, given that they match certain specification and do not exceed certain amount. They can be given for house rent, transport, medical care, meal coupons, leave-time travel and education.


What is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise in China?

What is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise in China?

It is a company established in China according to Chinese laws and is wholly owned by one or more foreign investors. WFOE is of limited liability, i.e.: shareholders will only be liable for the amount of shares that they have subscribed to. The laws ...


How many types of wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFOEs) are allowed by law in...

How many types of wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFOEs) are allowed by law in...

There are three types that are currently allowed: Service (or consulting) WFOE; Trading WFOE (or Foreign-Invested Commercial Enterprise – FICE); and Manufacturing WFOE   Despite having the same legal identity, they have significan...


What are the sector restrictions for wholly foreign-owned enterprises under Chin...

What are the sector restrictions for wholly foreign-owned enterprises under Chin...

According to Guidance Catalogue for Foreign Investment (2012 Catalogue), which is jointly published by the National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Commerce, sector restriction applies to the business activities that the Wholly Fore...


How could the status of suppliers be known to foreign investors in India?

How could the status of suppliers be known to foreign investors in India?

India holds an exceptional public record system. It is thus very easy to find relevant information of your suppliers therefrom. Here is a list that would help inspire: Company and personnel information (including share capital and tax issues); Co...


How is the regulatory environment in India for trading?

How is the regulatory environment in India for trading?

For trade, the Export/Import Policy of India is annually amended on 31st March. Also, the duties levied on goods imported or exported could range from 5-40%.


What documents are required for a company to start trading in India?

What documents are required for a company to start trading in India?

The trading company should prepare the following documents, prior to trading: Import/ export license; Customs declaration form; Invoice; Certificate of origin; and All other relevant documents.


How many classifications do Export/Import Policies in India have on goods traded...

How many classifications do Export/Import Policies in India have on goods traded...

There are 3 classifications: Restricted goods: Only ex-/importable if the relevant licence is obtained from the relevant regional licensing authorities. Canalised goods: Only ex-/importable if specific procedures or transportation means. Prohibi...


What goods would require license in India?

What goods would require license in India?

The goods that require licensing under Indian law can be found in Indian Trading Classification, wich is based on a Harmonised Code (ITC(HS)). There are two "Schedules": Schedule I deals with import policies, which is subsectioned into 21 sections, w...

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