Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are the criteria for registering a Liaison Office (LO) in India?

What are the criteria for registering a Liaison Office (LO) in India?

The Foreign Exchange Department of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will assess the application for registering an LO based on three criteria: investment route, profitability and net worth. Foreign enterprises investing in industries where they are al...


What are the required steps following approval by the Reserve Bank of India to s...

What are the required steps following approval by the Reserve Bank of India to s...

Several forms and documents are required by the Indian government officials after foreign companies have received LO approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). These are Form 44 for the Registrar of Companies, an Annual Activity Certificate (ACC)...


What are some of the advantages of setting up a Liaison Office in India?

What are some of the advantages of setting up a Liaison Office in India?

Liaison Offices (LOs) in India function as a communication channel between the parent companies abroad and the local companies. They promote the parent companies’ brand and businesses in the local market whilst overseeing their manufacturing pr...


What are common causes that lead to business restructuring in China?

What are common causes that lead to business restructuring in China?

Causes that lead to business restructuring may be internal or external to the business itself. Oftentimes, business owners make the mistake of assuming that the business model of the parent company at home will share the same success in China. Howeve...


What is the corporate governance structure of foreign-invested multi-member limi...

What is the corporate governance structure of foreign-invested multi-member limi...

Multi-member limited liability companies (LLCs), among the most popular foreign-invested enterprises in Vietnam, are managed by a Member’s Council which directs major strategy changes and annual business plans. The Member Council Chairman, a po...


What three forms may joint ventures (JVs) between domestic and foreign investors...

What three forms may joint ventures (JVs) between domestic and foreign investors...

The three forms joint ventures (JVs) between domestic and foreign investors in Vietnam may take are limited liability companies (LLCs), joint stock companies (JSCs), and partnerships. LLCs are offer limited liability ownership yet cannot issue shares...


Besides joint ventures (JVs) with local partners, what other options do foreign ...

Besides joint ventures (JVs) with local partners, what other options do foreign ...

Foreign businesses wanting to do business in yet not enter into a joint venture (JV) with a local partner have three options – branches, representative offices (ROs), and business cooperation contracts (BCCs). Foreign entities can establish bra...


What is a ?red invoice,? and what is their significance to commercial operations...

What is a ?red invoice,? and what is their significance to commercial operations...

Simply put, a “red invoice” is the nickname given to Vietnam’s Value Added Tax (VAT) invoices. Such invoices are mandated to undertake commercial activities such as the sale of goods and services, imports of foreign goods, and expor...


How many types of Value Added Tax (VAT) invoices exist in Vietnam, and what are ...

How many types of Value Added Tax (VAT) invoices exist in Vietnam, and what are ...

In Vietnam, the tax system supports self-printed Value Added Tax (VAT) invoices, e-invoices, ordered invoices, and invoices purchased from the local Municipal Taxation Department. Enterprises within hi-tech parks and economic development zones, along...


What are the benefits of converting a Representative Office into a Wholly Foreig...

What are the benefits of converting a Representative Office into a Wholly Foreig...

Conversion is one of many options for business restructuring in China. It can be especially beneficial for companies concerned with the tax liability and limited business scope of their Representative Office (RO). A Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (W...


What are the consequences for abandoning a business in China?

What are the consequences for abandoning a business in China?

Many business owners may find it difficult to navigate the numerous regulations regarding de-registration and liquidation of a business. However, simply abandoning a business is not an advisable course of action as it can leave valuable assets and em...


What is the process of converting a Representative Office into a Wholly Foreign-...

What is the process of converting a Representative Office into a Wholly Foreign-...

he process of converting a Representative Office (RO) into a Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (WFOE) is a misnomer. There is no direct process, but rather there are two separate processes—de-registering a RO and establishing a WFOE. De-registrat...

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