Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Are there any tax incentive programs in Singapore?

Are there any tax incentive programs in Singapore?

There are a number of these programs, such as Global Trader Program, HQ Program and incentives under Productivity and Innovation Credit Scheme. These are all programs aiming to draw in or encourage investment in Singapore.


How does the tax incentive program operate in Singapore?

How does the tax incentive program operate in Singapore?

Take one example, the incentives under Productivity and Innovation Credit Scheme – businesses can get cash payout or a 400 percent tax deduction or allowance on expenditure of up to SG$ 400,000 on each of the following six activities: Purcha...


Is share capital required under Singaporean law?

Is share capital required under Singaporean law?

The minimum paid-up capital (equivalent to share capital) is S$1 and the amount of this capital can be increased anytime after the incorporation of the company.


What is a registered address for setting Singaporean company?

What is a registered address for setting Singaporean company?

A physical address in Singapore (be that residential or commercial) must be provided as the registered address of the company. All premises must be approved for business use by the Urban Redevelopment Authority. However, a P.O. box cannot be used as ...


How long does it take to register a company in Singapore?

How long does it take to register a company in Singapore?

Given that company registration can also be done through the online platform with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, it normallyt takes 1 to 2 days. If the application for registration shall be subject to reviews and approvals by other de...


What should be disclosed during an annual general meeting in Singapore?

What should be disclosed during an annual general meeting in Singapore?

Directors of the company must disclose a true and fair view of the profit and loss accounts of the company to the shareholders. These accounts presented should be made up to a date not more than 6 months before the annual general meeting. For private...


How will the new regulatory changes impact to Singaporean company law?

How will the new regulatory changes impact to Singaporean company law?

The recent regulatory changes are aiming to reducing regulatory burdens, compliance costs, providing greater flexibility to companies, improving corporate governance and bringing benefits to various stakeholder groups. These regulatory amendments are...


ASEAN's Total Merchandise Exports

ASEAN's Total Merchandise Exports

The table demonstrates the percentage of ASEAN's total mechandise exports by destination.


Sind Sie bereit für ASEAN 2015?

Sind Sie bereit für ASEAN 2015?

Viele Unternehmen sind sich der neu entstandenen Geschäftsmöglichkeiten, die die ASEAN Freihandelsabkommen bieten, jedoch noch nicht bewusst. In dieser ersten Ausgabe des Asia Briefing Magazins konzentrieren wir uns auf die Veränderungen, di...


DPRK Business Monthly: January 2013

DPRK Business Monthly: January 2013

The latest issue of DPRK Business Monthly is now available as a complimentary PDF download on the Asia Briefing Bookstore. This regular publication looks at current international, domestic, and peninsular affairs concerning North Korea while also off...


ASEAN 2015: Siete Pronti?

ASEAN 2015: Siete Pronti?

L’Asia offre un panorama molto più ampio della sola Cina, India e Vietnam: le opportunità sono presenti sia nell’Asia stessa sia oltre oceano, verso Stati Uniti, Europa, Medio Oriente, America del Sud e specialmente verso la cosiddett...


Interests and Loyalties under Indian Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA)

Interests and Loyalties under Indian Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA)

The tables shows the interest and loyalty rates under Indian double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAA) in different countries.

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