Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are the requirements on annual activity reporting in India?

What are the requirements on annual activity reporting in India?

Liaison and branch offices are obliged to demonstrate that they are operating within their legally permissible areas of activity once a year. This reporting takes the form of an Annual Activity Certificate, which must be produced in a specified forma...


What does the Foreign Exchange Management Act regulate in India?

What does the Foreign Exchange Management Act regulate in India?

The Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) regulates foreign exchange into and out of India. In accordance with this act, foreign exchange must be reported at two stages: Upon receipt of share application money from the non-resident parent company...


How should a foreign-owned subsidiary bring money to India for expenses in its e...

How should a foreign-owned subsidiary bring money to India for expenses in its e...

Money should be brought to India through normal banking channels either as share capital or against service invoices. Many new entrants bring petty cash from outside India and use that cash for expenses in the subsidiary company. However, this violat...


How should Corporate Income Tax be calculated in India?

How should Corporate Income Tax be calculated in India?

Corporate Income Tax is charged at 30 percent of a company’s profits. If the tax payable on the total income of the company is less than 18.5 percent of book profits , then the total income of the company shall be deemed to be equal to the book...


PrePost Establishment Compliance for Foreign-invested Entities

PrePost Establishment Compliance for Foreign-invested Entities

Compliance requirements include tax compliance, annual activity reporting (for BO and LO), annual compliance and ongoing compliance (such as notifications about major changes in an entity or Foreign Exchange Management Act compliance). Compliance req...


Introduction to Doing Business in Singapore presented by Dezan Shira Alumni Nath...

Introduction to Doing Business in Singapore presented by Dezan Shira Alumni Nath...

Dezan Shira & Associates' Business Manager for the Singapore office, Nathanael Susanto discusses questions relevant to foreign investors setting up businesses in Singapore.


Human Resources for Foreigners in Vietnam

Human Resources for Foreigners in Vietnam

A Vietnamese entity is permitted to recruit foreign workers in order to work as managers, executive directors and experts where local hires are not yet able to meet production and business requirements.


Joint Venture Drivers & Dissolution presented by Rachel Xuan

Joint Venture Drivers & Dissolution presented by Rachel Xuan

Mrs. Xuan expounds upon how to avoid incurring major losses from JV dissolution due to ignorance. Covering topics such as: current drivers of JV activity for foreign SMEs, conditions of dissolution, how to dissolve a JV, “deadlock provision” expl...


Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Switzerland and Singapore

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Switzerland and Singapore

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Switzerland and Singapore


An Introduction to Doing Business in Myanmar

An Introduction to Doing Business in Myanmar

Myanmar is finally opening its doors to the rest of the world. A few months ago, the military-led government pushed political and economic reforms, attracting the attention of potential investors worldwide.


China's Social Security Sytem

China's Social Security Sytem

Through an introduction to the five different types of Social Security in China, Adam Livermore illuminates the current regulations, benefits, and consequences of China's Social Security System. The five types of Social Security include: pension, med...


Introduction to the China Tax System presented by Dezan Shira Alumni Ronin Lin

Introduction to the China Tax System presented by Dezan Shira Alumni Ronin Lin

Ronin Lin introduces the China tax system for the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). He goes over corporate taxes, individual income tax, and VAT reform.

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