Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Doing Business in Vietnam

Doing Business in Vietnam

Earlier in its development process than many countries, Vietnam is learning from other countries’ reform experiences and utilizing its late mover advantage in technology introduction. As labor costs rise elsewhere, many investors look to Vietnam...


Ease of Doing Business in Hong Kong and Singapore

Ease of Doing Business in Hong Kong and Singapore

The graph compares the ease of doing business in Hong Kong and Singapore.


Advantages for Holding Companies in Hong Kong and Singapore

Advantages for Holding Companies in Hong Kong and Singapore

The diagram illustrates the advantages of a holding company in Hong Kong and Singapore.


Tax Sourcing and Residency Rules in Hong Kong and Singapore

Tax Sourcing and Residency Rules in Hong Kong and Singapore

The table shows the differences of tax sourcing and residency rules by jurisdiction between Hong Kong and Singapore.


Compañías holding en Hong Kong y Singapur

Compañías holding en Hong Kong y Singapur

En esta edición del China Briefing, veremos más de cerca los beneficios de las compañías holding tanto de Hong Kong como de Singapur, la forma de establecer y mantener una compañía en cada una de estas jurisdicciones, y los acuerdos...


Les sociétés de holding à HongKong et Singapour

Les sociétés de holding à HongKong et Singapour

Bien qu’une variété de lieux exotiques soit excellente pour la création d’entreprises en matière d’impôt et d’efficacité administrative, en raison de la proximité géographique, une majorité de PME choisi...


DPRK Business Monthly May 2012

DPRK Business Monthly May 2012

The latest issue of DPRK Business Monthly is now available as a complimentary PDF download on the Asia Briefing Bookstore. The regular magazine looks at current international, domestic, and peninsular affairs concerning North Korea while also offerin...


Vietnam's Provinces, Regions and Key Economic Zones

Vietnam's Provinces, Regions and Key Economic Zones

While not a large country in terms of area, Vietnam’s longitudinal breadth and variations in terrain allow the country to utilize its topographical advantages to simultaneously support a wide range of industries.


Le società holding a Hong Kong e Singapore

Le società holding a Hong Kong e Singapore

Le possibilita’ di domiciliare all’estero una holding sono molto ampie in termini di localizzazioni, ma un numero sempre crescente di Piccole e Medie Imprese sceglie Hong visti gli evidenti vantaggi in termini di vicinanza al mercato cinese...


Holdinggesellschaften in Hongkong und Singapur

Holdinggesellschaften in Hongkong und Singapur

Hongkong und Singapur bieten beide sehr ähnliche steuerliche Anreize für ausländische Unternehmen, dennoch gibt es Unterschiede zwischen den beiden im Hinblick auf Steuersätze, strategische Nuancen die Anwendung der verschiedenen Doppelb...


Hong Kong and Singapore Holding Companies

Hong Kong and Singapore Holding Companies

Hong Kong and Singapore both offer very similar tax incentives for foreign companies, but there are differences between the two and tax rates differ, as do the strategic nuances and their use of various double tax treaties.


Qualifications to be a Legal Representative in China

Qualifications to be a Legal Representative in China

The list shows the qualifications to be a legal representative in China.

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