Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Fusioni, Acquisizioni e Joint Ventures in Cina

Fusioni, Acquisizioni e Joint Ventures in Cina

Sulla scia della crisi finanziaria e con il riassestamento dell'economia cinese da un modello orientato alle esportazioni ad uno focalizzato sul consumo interno, nel Paese stanno tornando di moda joint-venture sino-straniere (JV) e fusioni e acquisiz...


Neubewertung von Joint Ventures und Fusionen & Übernahmen in China

Neubewertung von Joint Ventures und Fusionen & Übernahmen in China

In Zuge der Finanzkrise und der Neuausrichtung der chinesischen Wirtschaft, weg von einem exportorientiertem Modell in Richtung eines Modells, welches sich auf inländischen Konsum konzentriert, gewinnen chinesisch-ausländische Joint Ventures un...


Repenser les Joint-Ventures et les Fusions- Acquisitions en Chine

Repenser les Joint-Ventures et les Fusions- Acquisitions en Chine

À l’origine, je n’étais pas convaincue par l’oeuvre en couverture de ce Numéro, « Gratte-Ciel » de l’artiste pékinois Ouyang Chun, mais je me suis depuis ravisée.


Reevaluating China Joint Ventures and M&As

Reevaluating China Joint Ventures and M&As

In the wake of the financial crisis and the realignment of the Chinese economy from an export-oriented model to one focused on domestic consumption, Sino-foreign joint ventures (JVs) and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activities by foreign investors ...


Doing Business in India (Second Edition)

Doing Business in India (Second Edition)

India was the second most attractive FDI destination in the world in 2010, according to the World Investment Prospects Survey 2010-2012 (China was ranked number one and Brazil number three).


DPRK Monthly Volume II, No. 7, August 2011

DPRK Monthly Volume II, No. 7, August 2011

The latest issue of DPRK Business Monthly is now available for complimentary download. The regular magazine looks at current international, domestic, and peninsular affairs concerning North Korea while also offering commentary and tourism information...


Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Albania and Singapore

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Albania and Singapore

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Albania and Singapore


DPRK Monthly Volume II, No. 6, July 2011

DPRK Monthly Volume II, No. 6, July 2011

The latest issue of DPRK Business Monthly is now available for complimentary download. The regular magazine looks at current international, domestic, and peninsular affairs concerning North Korea while also offering commentary and tourism information...


Investment Developments and Opportunities in Mongolia

Investment Developments and Opportunities in Mongolia

Having confirmed the world’s largest coal deposits, and second largest deposits of copper, plus massive reserves of silver, gold, uranium and many other rare earths and other minerals,


Tax and Financial Management

Tax and Financial Management

Although an increasing number of investors and managers are looking seriously at investing in India, the technical expertise of how to bring international investments into fruition is not always easy to acquire.


El comercio y establecimiento de empresas comerciales de capital extranjero en C...

El comercio y establecimiento de empresas comerciales de capital extranjero en C...

Aunque ha habido una gran discusión de las tendencias macroeconómicas y el pensamiento microeconómico


Società commerciali a partecipazione straniera in Cina

Società commerciali a partecipazione straniera in Cina

Nonostante la grande quantità di discussioni sugli scenari macroeconomici e sulle considerazioni microeconomiche riguardanti "il consumatore cinese" (e anche se questo termine è troppo generico e spesso impropriamente usato), l'unica parola che...

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