Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



India's Key Taxes

India's Key Taxes

This infographic displays India's key corporate tax rates


An Introduction to India's Free Trade Agreements

An Introduction to India's Free Trade Agreements

This prezi introduces you the free trade structures that India engages and the free trading partners India collaborates with


How do China's tax treaties affect withholding tax payments for dividends, inter...

How do China's tax treaties affect withholding tax payments for dividends, inter...

If the tax rate written in the relevant treaty is higher than 10%, the tax will be fixed at 10%. If the rate specified in the treaty is lower than 10%, the amount of tax payable will be the amount specified.  


The Asia Sourcing Guide 2015

The Asia Sourcing Guide 2015

In this issue of Asia Briefing, we explain how and why the Asian sourcing market is changing, compare wage overheads, and look at where certain types of products are being manufactured and exported. We discuss the impact of ASEAN’s Free Trade Ag...


Using China’s Free Trade & Double Tax Agreements

Using China’s Free Trade & Double Tax Agreements

In this issue of China Briefing, we examine the role of Free Trade Agreements and the various regional blocs that China is either a member of or considering becoming so, as well as how these can be of significance to your China business. We also exam...


Import and Export: A Guide to Trade in Vietnam

Import and Export: A Guide to Trade in Vietnam

In this issue of Vietnam Briefing Magazine, we provide you with a clear understanding of the current business trends related to trade in Vietnam, as well as explaining how to set up your trading business in the country. We also attempt to give perspe...


The 2015 Asia Tax Comparator

The 2015 Asia Tax Comparator

In this issue of Asia Briefing, we compare and contrast the most relevant tax laws applicable for businesses with a presence in Asia. We analyze the different tax rates of 13 jurisdictions in the region, including India, China, Hong Kong, and the 10 ...


Welche Steuern und Zölle gelten in China?

Welche Steuern und Zölle gelten in China?

Zölle werden in China auf Importe und auf Exporte erhoben, und laut dem Zollplan sind über 8 Güter zollpflichtig.


Welche Importabgaben sind in Indien zu leisten?

Welche Importabgaben sind in Indien zu leisten?

Bei Lieferung nach bzw. aus Indien wird eine Standardabgabe für sämtliche Güter verlangt, wobei es auch einen ermäßigten Satz gibt. Außerdem wird für importierte Güter ein Ausgleichszoll erhoben, welches den ...


Welche Zollvorschriften gelten in Vietnam?

Welche Zollvorschriften gelten in Vietnam?

Da Deutschland Mitglied der WTO ist, erhalten deutsche Unternehmen Zollvergünstigungen.


ASEAN's Free Trade Agreements

ASEAN's Free Trade Agreements

This chart shows a an overview of ASEAN member's overlapping free trade agreements (FTAs) with one another.


ASEAN Tariff Lines

ASEAN Tariff Lines

This chart shows a country-by-country comparison of tariff lines for ASEAN members.

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