Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What licensing regimes are put in place for commercial entities engaging in the ...

What licensing regimes are put in place for commercial entities engaging in the ...

Generally, any commercial entity engaged in the manufacture or trade of medical devices must obtain specific licenses in addition to the standard business licenses for operating a company in China. The procedures and requirements for o...


How can international businesses take advantage of dividends tax in China?

How can international businesses take advantage of dividends tax in China?

China charges a 10 percent dividends tax on the overseas repatriation of profits, in addition to a 25 percent corporate income tax (CIT). However, many of China’s bilateral DTAs (such as that with Hong Kong) provide for a clause that reduces th...


How do you qualify for DTA benefits in China?

How do you qualify for DTA benefits in China?

The first step in qualifying for DTA benefits is to determine whether you are a tax resident of a country that has an effective DTA agreement with China (i.e. a non-resident with respect to China). Following this, the qualification requirements as se...


What is an indicator that production should be shifted from China to a non-China...

What is an indicator that production should be shifted from China to a non-China...

The general rule of thumb is if non-China production can reach 70 percent of the level that can be achieved by a China factory, it may be a wise decision to house production in the non-China facility. Furthermore, as regional infrastructure continues...


As of January 2015 which Free Trade Agreements is China currently negotiating?

As of January 2015 which Free Trade Agreements is China currently negotiating?

China has entered into discussions with numerous countries and trade blocs. Prospective agreements include the China-GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) Free Trade Agreement, the China-Norway Free Trade Agreement, and the China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Agre...


What is the purpose of the New Silk Road Free Trade Area?

What is the purpose of the New Silk Road Free Trade Area?

The New Silk Road connects South and Central Asia with the Middle East and Europe much like China’s Han Dynasty Silk Road, established more than two thousand years ago. It is a demonstration of President Xi Jinping’s economic efforts to e...


What are the difficulties in taking advantage of China?s Double Tax Agreements?

What are the difficulties in taking advantage of China?s Double Tax Agreements?

China has assertively entered into Double Tax Agreements (DTAs) with numerous nations. These agreements provide benefits for companies with a presence in both nations as well as companies that may not have a permanent presence in China but still char...


What are some of the effects which can be seen from China?s Free Trade Agreement...

What are some of the effects which can be seen from China?s Free Trade Agreement...

China’s bilateral and multilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have been extremely influential in encouraging the direction of trade flow and the development of supply chains throughout Asia. The FTAs have been instrumental in aiding China&rsq...


What are some of the trends which can be seen in China?s wage-labor market in 20...

What are some of the trends which can be seen in China?s wage-labor market in 20...

China has been a popular destination for foreign manufacturers because of its cost-effectiveness. Low wages and taxes combined with a well-constructed supply chain infrastructure have been attractive attributes of the Chinese wage-labor market. Howev...


What are some of the commonly encountered problems when hiring Vietnamese staff ...

What are some of the commonly encountered problems when hiring Vietnamese staff ...

The Vietnamese government is currently promoting English education but still many Vietnamese only have a basic level of English. They therefore encounter difficulties in conducting business negiotiations in the language. A lot of Vietnamese ha...


How is overtime pay calculated in Vietnam?

How is overtime pay calculated in Vietnam?

Overtime is calculated based on the employee's current salary. For regular working days it is 150% of their salary, weekends 200% and paid leave days and holidays 300%.


As a foreign worker in Vietnam, which kind of insurance do I need and how much i...

As a foreign worker in Vietnam, which kind of insurance do I need and how much i...

Foreign staff only need to pay for health insurance, whilst Vietnamese locals need to pay for social, unemployment and health insurance. The amount payable is based on the employee's salary as stated in the labour contract and is capped at 20 times t...

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