Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Timeline of the foreign film quotas

Timeline of the foreign film quotas

Timeline of the foreign film quotas from 1994 to 2017.


Tipologia di visti cinesi ? 2015

Tipologia di visti cinesi ? 2015

La tabella riporta i cambiamenti principali del 2013 in materia di visti per la Cina.


Demografia degli stranieri in Cina per nazionalita' ? 2015

Demografia degli stranieri in Cina per nazionalita' ? 2015

Lo schema riporta i dati relativi alle dieci nazioni di provenienza alle quali appartengono la maggior parte degli stranieri che risiedono nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese.


Presenza degli stranieri per province cinesi - 2015

Presenza degli stranieri per province cinesi  - 2015

La maggior parte dei lavoratori stranieri in Cina risiede nelle citta’ di primo livello, le cosidette first-tier cities, e sono impiegati da multinazionali.


China's Entertainment Industry at a Glance

China's Entertainment Industry at a Glance

This infographic divides the entertainment industry into different sectors by revenues and also explains about the drivers of growth.


Regional Share of India's Exports, 2012-13

Regional Share of India's Exports, 2012-13

This infographic shows the regions that India exports mostly to. These numbers are highly influenced by India's free trade agreements.


Overview of the BIMSTEC Trade Bloc

Overview of the BIMSTEC Trade Bloc

This infographic displays an overview of the BIMSTEC trade bloc of which India is a part of.


India's Other Trade Agreements

India's Other Trade Agreements

This infographic displays the "other" trade agreements India has, apart from the agreements mentioned in the February 2015 India Briefing Magazine: "Understanding India's Free Trade and Double Tax Agreements"


India's Key Taxes

India's Key Taxes

This infographic displays India's key corporate tax rates


Country List of India's Comprehensive Agreements on Double Taxation

Country List of India's Comprehensive Agreements on Double Taxation

This infographic displays a list of country that India has comprehensive agreements on double taxation with.


India's Merchandise Trade with ASEAN (2001-2013)

India's Merchandise Trade with ASEAN (2001-2013)

This infographic shows the increase that trade between India and ASEAN has seen over the last 15 years.


Wages & GDP per Capita Across Asia

Wages & GDP per Capita Across Asia

This infographic compares minimum monthly wage, average monthly wage and GDP per Capita across various Asian countries.

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