Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Factors to consider when choosing a development zone

Factors to consider when choosing a development zone

The diagram illustrates some factors to consider when choosing a development zone to invest.


Application Procedures: Investing in China's Development Zones

Application Procedures: Investing in China's Development Zones

The flow chart outlines the application procedures of investing in China's development zone.


Application Procedures: Investing in Special Economic Zones in India

Application Procedures: Investing in Special Economic Zones in India

The flow chart outlines the application process of investing in India's special economic zones.


Application Procedures: Investing in Vietnamese Development Zones

Application Procedures: Investing in Vietnamese Development Zones

The flow chart outlines the application process of investing in Vietnam's development zones.


Asia Briefing Magazine, March & April 2013 Issue: "Expanding Your China Business...

Asia Briefing Magazine, March & April 2013 Issue:

Christian Fleming, former Managing Editor at Asia Briefing, a Dezan Shira alumni, discusses the evolution of China’s economic growth model compared to Vietnam and India as alternatives in the region.


Emerging Asian Market Evaluation: China, India and Vietnam

Emerging Asian Market Evaluation: China, India and Vietnam

The map shows the advantages and disadvantages of the emerging market in Asia


Die Erweiterung Ihres Chinageschäfts nach Indien und Vietnam

Die Erweiterung Ihres Chinageschäfts nach Indien und Vietnam

Da Betriebskosten in China weiterhin steigen, überlegen eine wachsende Zahl an Unternehmen ihre China-basierten Einrichtungen entweder umzusiedeln oder Teile der Produktion in andere Schwellenländermärkte in Asien zu verlagern, in welchen di...


Investire dalla Cina verso India e Vietnam

Investire dalla Cina verso India e Vietnam

Con il continuo aumentare dei costi operativi e di gestione in Cina, sempre più società stanno riflettendo sulla possibilità di trasferire o espandere parte delle proprie strutture produttive o di acquisto, attualmente in Cina, in altri merc...


Expanding Your China Business to India and Vietnam

Expanding Your China Business to India and Vietnam

As operational costs in China continue to rise, an increasing number of companies are looking at either relocating or moving part of their China-based facilities to lower cost markets elsewhere in emerging Asia. This makes sense since China itself is...


What are the main pros and cons of using partnership for joint venture in Vietna...

What are the main pros and cons of using partnership for joint venture in Vietna...

The main advantages of using a partnership are that: Persons investing in the partnership can be limited partner, i.e.: partners that are of limited liability. The downsides of partnership is that: Two or more general partners are required t...


What are the advantages of using Hong Kong or Singapore as a holding company?

What are the advantages of using Hong Kong or Singapore as a holding company?

Given the number of tax treaties that Hong Kong and Singapore signed with the neighbouring emerging economies, they are ideal location for setting up a holding company because of: • Minimal exposure to corporate income tax • Options for f...


Why is Singapore a better place for reaching out into Asia?

Why is Singapore a better place for reaching out into Asia?

Since Singapore is a member of the ASEAN countries, a foreign-owned domestic company will automatically qualify for the duty free treatments across ASEAN countries. Also, Singapore has double tax agreements with India and China, this provides the ext...

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