Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Accessing Indian Consumers from Overseas and Opportunities in the Digital Econom...

Accessing Indian Consumers from Overseas and Opportunities in the Digital Econom...

The magazine provides a general overview of the options available to foreign firms to sell to the online Indian market, including suitable market entry strategies and business models, industry regulation, and consumer trends. We also provide informat...


China’s Personal Information Protection Law: What to Know and How to Prepare

China’s Personal Information Protection Law: What to Know and How to Prepare

To help companies better prepare, Thomas Zhang, IT Director, introduced the PIPL and explained several key considerations to take to build a roadmap for compliance. Detailed actions from both a technical and organization perspective were discussed as...


Using Singapore as a Base for ASEAN Expansion

Using Singapore as a Base for ASEAN Expansion

In this issue of the ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of the efficient incorporation process in Singapore and compare Hong Kong and Singapore as holding locations. We then explore how investors can benefit from Singapore’s tax polici...


How to Protect your Intellectual Property in China: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Protect your Intellectual Property in China: A Comprehensive Guide

In this webinar, Monica Li, Manager of Business Advisory Services and Guilherme Campos, Manager of International Business Advisory will talk about the importance of protecting your intellectual property in China and how to protect it.


The Impact of E-fapiaos on Companies’ Internal Processes (CN中文)

The Impact of E-fapiaos on Companies’ Internal Processes (CN中文)

近年来,随着电子发票的逐渐普及,发票管理成为很多企业内部流程及合规管理的核心议题。那么电子发票究竟存在哪些门道值得注意,又会给企业的日常管理带来多少潜在问题和风险呢? ...


Подготовка к Наступающей Эре Электронного ...

Подготовка к Наступающей Эре Электронного ...

В этом выпуске журнала Китай Брифинг мы демонстрируем возможности и риски, связанные с внедрением электронного фапьяо. Мы начнем с обзо...


Gamification as an Approach to Skilled Workforce Development in the Industry 4.0...

Gamification as an Approach to Skilled Workforce Development in the Industry 4.0...

In this interview, Filippo Bortoletti, Senior Manager of International Business Advisory at Dezan Shira & Associates, shares some recommendations to equip human capital for digital transformation.


Protect Your Intellectual Property in ASEAN and China - Key Legal Considerations...

Protect Your Intellectual Property in ASEAN and China - Key Legal Considerations...

In this webinar, Riccardo and Marcos discuss key characteristics of the IP legal framework across Southeast Asia and China. They also shared guidance on how investors can better protect their brands and IP when doing business in these fast-growing ec...


Il mercato cinese: nuove strategie ed opportunità di investimento ai tempi del ...

Il mercato cinese: nuove strategie ed opportunità di investimento ai tempi del ...

Unitevi all'evento online di Dezan Shira & Associates, ospitato da Salone d'Impresa, che si terrà il 30 novembre prossimo, nel corso del quale verranno approfondite le tendenze emergenti sia in Cina che nell'ASEAN nel 2021, oltre al prossimo Piano Q...


Le Esportazioni Italiane Verso La Cina: Regione per Regione

Le Esportazioni Italiane Verso La Cina: Regione per Regione

L’Italia è nota per gli ottimi rapporti commerciali e istituzionali con il “dragone”, ed ogni Regione italiana ha portato avanti relazioni commerciali per stringere rapporti istituzionali e promuovere i propri settori di spicco. Supportata da ...


Personal Data Protection and Network Security Measures for Companies in the Grea...

Personal Data Protection and Network Security Measures for Companies in the Grea...

Personal data protection, privacy rights, and network and cybersecurity have become increasingly important issues to pay attention to in China due to recent regulatory changes and compliance requirements.


Tutela e rischi quando il vostro marchio e’ online Strumenti per l’online br...

Tutela e rischi quando il vostro marchio e’ online Strumenti per l’online br...

Questo webinar in collaborazione con esperti di tutela online dei marchi, Argo Business Solutions, vede il loro fondatore Simone Bonamin e il nostro Riccardo Benussi in una pragmatica conversazione sul tema. Sono trattati i temi classici sul marchio...

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