Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



The RCEP Advantage: Part 4 – The Future of Trade in China 

The RCEP Advantage: Part 4 – The Future of Trade in China 

In part 4 of our RCEP webinar series we focus on China which has so far benefited from the FTA using it to further leverage its trade potential to secure greater market access in the region.


Emerging Opportunities For Foreign Investors In China's Green Industry In 2022

Emerging Opportunities For Foreign Investors In China's Green Industry In 2022

In this webinar, Ines Liu will provide an overview of China’s plans and paths for transforming to a green economy and explain how such plans would be relevant to foreign investment.


Opportunities in India's E-Commerce Sector

Opportunities in India's E-Commerce Sector

Propelled by increasing smartphone penetration, an expanding internet user base, and rising consumer wealth, e-commerce platforms have revolutionized the way business is done in India.


HR-Update China: Herausforderungen und Chancen bezüglich Arbeitsmarkt, Führung...

HR-Update China: Herausforderungen und Chancen bezüglich Arbeitsmarkt, Führung...

Wie wirken sich diese Entwicklungen auf europäische Unternehmen aus, die in China Geschäfte machen? Wie können sie eine Strategie für Rekrutierung und die Talentakquise entwickeln, um ihre Marktposition zu behalten oder weiter zu wachsen? Wie si...


Remotely Establishing Entities in Asia: China's Mainland vs. Hong Kong vs. Singa...

Remotely Establishing Entities in Asia: China's Mainland vs. Hong Kong vs. Singa...

In this webinar, our International Business Advisory Managers Guilherme Campos and David Stepat are taking an in-depth look into the regulatory and legal environments in China’s Mainland and Hong Kong, and compare them to Singapore, and explore how...


Tapping into ASEAN’s Vibrant Talent Pool: Hiring in Singapore, Vietnam, and In...

Tapping into ASEAN’s Vibrant Talent Pool: Hiring in Singapore, Vietnam, and In...

What are the advantages of a professional employer organization for multinational companies expanding to ASEAN compared to establishing your own entity? How can companies attract and retain local talent?


China’s Covid Policy and Lockdowns Explained: How Businesses Should Adapt

China’s Covid Policy and Lockdowns Explained: How Businesses Should Adapt

At least 45, or more than half of China’s largest cities, have experienced or are currently undergoing lockdowns since Omicron began to spread in China. The responses of city governments to local outbreaks have varied from localized b...


Withholding Tax in India 2022: All You Need To Know

Withholding Tax in India 2022: All You Need To Know

Join us in this webinar to understand the rules and regulations pertaining to withholding tax in India and the practical knowledge required to fulfil withholding tax obligations of your organization.


Vietnam's Key Investment Industries and Destinations 2022 - Part 2: Vietnam's Hi...

Vietnam's Key Investment Industries and Destinations 2022 - Part 2: Vietnam's Hi...

In our webinar where we took a deep dive into the opportunities and challenges for high-tech businesses in the Vietnam market, particularly in the Central region.


Counterstrategies for Rising Business Costs in China: Best Practices Sharing

Counterstrategies for Rising Business Costs in China: Best Practices Sharing

In this webinar, Guilherme Campos, Manager of International Business Advisory, introduced some practical cost control solutions covering IT, HR, corporate sustainability, and other management strategies while maintaining and improving the quality of ...


The RCEP Advantage: Part 3 – Exploring Trade Opportunities in Indonesia

The RCEP Advantage: Part 3 – Exploring Trade Opportunities in Indonesia

In part 3 of our RCEP webinar series we focus on Indonesia, a country which can benefit from the lower tariffs imposed by RCEP, as well as a trade surplus of over US$1 billion by 2040.


Managing IP Protection When Selling to China via Cross-Border E-Commerce

Managing IP Protection When Selling to China via Cross-Border E-Commerce

In this webinar, Monica Li, Business Advisory Services Manager, will explain why it is important for businesses to protect their IP, highlighting common problems they can encounter and what they can do to protect their brand.

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