Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Comparativa de impuestos de Asia

Comparativa de impuestos de Asia

Durante este año, hemos respondido a muchas preguntas específicas sobre impuestos en las páginas del China Briefing. Sin embargo, preguntas tan sencillas como: “En términos generales, los tipos de impuestos en China son más altos ...


La Guida fiscale per l'Asia

La Guida fiscale per l'Asia

L'investitore straniero, a causa della crisi finanziaria internazionale e dei probabili tassi di crescita al ribasso di Europa e Stati Uniti, sta cercando nuovi sbocchi per realizzare i propri obiettivi commerciali.


Der Steuervergleich für Asien

Der Steuervergleich für Asien

Asiatische Länder haben eine Vielzahl verschiedener Steuervorschriften. In dieser Ausgabe betrachten wir solche, die für ausländische Unternehmen und Privatpersonen wichtig sind, wie zum Beispiel Körperschaftssteuer, Umsatzsteuer, Waren- ...


The Asia Tax Comparator

The Asia Tax Comparator

Countries charge a multitude of taxes, but in this issue we look at the most applicable to foreign businesses and individuals in Asia, i.e., corporate income tax, value-added tax, goods and service tax, standard tax on dividends and individual income...


Are there any restrictions for remitting foreign currency abroad from Chinese op...

Are there any restrictions for remitting foreign currency abroad from Chinese op...

In case of remittances with an amount higher than USD 30,000 to be sent abroad, banks will request a tax clearance certificate to obtain approval from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the department responsible for foreign exchange trans...


Vietnam’s International Taxation Agreements

Vietnam’s International Taxation Agreements

As Vietnam increasingly finds itself on the receiving end of foreign investment and becomes progressively integrated into the global economy, the pace of changes to trade and tax policies can be difficult to keep up with.


India’s Goods & Service Tax and Retail Sector

India’s Goods & Service Tax and Retail Sector

This issue of India Briefing focuses on two dramatic, ongoing initiatives by the Indian government to fuel economic activity in the country: the introduction of a dual goods and services tax and further opening in the retail sector.


Doing Business in India (Second Edition)

Doing Business in India (Second Edition)

India was the second most attractive FDI destination in the world in 2010, according to the World Investment Prospects Survey 2010-2012 (China was ranked number one and Brazil number three).


Tax and Financial Management

Tax and Financial Management

Although an increasing number of investors and managers are looking seriously at investing in India, the technical expertise of how to bring international investments into fruition is not always easy to acquire.


Setting Up Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises in China (Third Edition)

Setting Up Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises in China (Third Edition)

Are you considering investing in China in a manner that allows greater efficiency in management than a joint venture and greater freedom in business activities than a representative office? For these reasons, the popularity of wholly foreign owned en...


Setting Up Joint Ventures in China (Third Edition)

Setting Up Joint Ventures in China (Third Edition)

Starting with choosing a JV structure, assessing a potential partner, and conducting legal and financial due diligence, this guide walks you through the key points of setting up a joint venture (JV) in China.


Setting Up Representative Offices in China (Fourth Edition)

Setting Up Representative Offices in China (Fourth Edition)

Do you want to do business in China? If you are already in this vast country and want to know more, or if you have never tried your hand at this fascinating market, then this book is for you.

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