Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



China’s FY2021 Annual Audit: What’s New and How to Prepare?

China’s FY2021 Annual Audit: What’s New and How to Prepare?

In this webinar, Jess Feng, Audit Manager will introduce the general auditing process and what you need to do to prepare for your upcoming financial audit.


How to De-Risk Your Business by Verifying the Compliance of Your Chinese Partner

How to De-Risk Your Business by Verifying the Compliance of Your Chinese Partner

In this Q&A, Abby Chen, our Senior Associate of Business Advisory Services, answers some commonly asked questions about disputes or issues that may arise between foreign invested entities and their Chinese partners and how to prevent them.


Annual Audit and Compliance in China: Get Ready for 2022

Annual Audit and Compliance in China: Get Ready for 2022

With the scope and penalties of China’s social credit system being further clarified in 2021, legal and regulatory compliance has become more important than ever. More attention should be given to the annual compliance procedures as mandated by var...


Debt Funding in India

Debt Funding in India

In this Q&A session, we speak with Business Advisory Services Senior Associate Vikas Saluja to discuss some of the commonly asked questions that we receive from our subscribers related to the funding options available to them, process to obtain fundi...


How to Manage Costs by Optimizing Your Supply Contracts and Workforce

How to Manage Costs by Optimizing Your Supply Contracts and Workforce

In this webinar, Vivian Mao, Partner and lawyer at Dezan Shira & Associates, and Simon Laube, Senior Associate with the International Business Advisory team, will introduce cost control solutions from a legal and business perspective, concerning supp...


Подготовка к Наступающей Эре Электронного ...

Подготовка к Наступающей Эре Электронного ...

В этом выпуске журнала Китай Брифинг мы демонстрируем возможности и риски, связанные с внедрением электронного фапьяо. Мы начнем с обзо...


Аудит и Соответствие Требованиям по Отчетн...

Аудит и Соответствие Требованиям по Отчетн...

В этом выпуске журнала "Индия Брифинг" мы предлагаем читателям обзор типов и процессов аудита в Индии, включая общие требования и докуме...


Understanding China's New Accounting System

Understanding China's New Accounting System

Dezan Shira is proud to announce the release of our second video series, where our experts answer the most frequently asked questions on various areas of the Asian business environment. The second series, "Understanding China’s New Accounting S...


How to Manage Risks in Your China Joint Venture

How to Manage Risks in Your China Joint Venture

Dezan Shira, CBBC, and EUSME hosted a hybrid event where Dezan Shira's experts, Jenny Liao, Head of Corporate Accounting Services, and Allan Xu, Head of Legal Advisory Services discussed, "How to Manage Risks in Your China Joint Venture".


Preparing for the Coming E-Fapiao Era

Preparing for the Coming E-Fapiao Era

Over the last few months, China has been quickly expanding the pilot program on electronic special value-added tax (VAT) fapiao (hereafter special VAT e-fapiao). First trialed in Ningbo, Hangzhou, and Shijiazhuang, China expanded the pilot program on...


Investir au Vietnam 2021

Investir au Vietnam 2021

Statistiques démographiques, Economie du Vietnam et investissements directs à l’étranger, Régions économiques clés, Accords de libre-échange, Comment monter une activité, Se conformer à la législation fiscale et à la réglementation comp...


Investing in Indonesia 2021

Investing in Indonesia 2021

Investors who prefer a visual way to learn about Indonesia can use these infographics for their benefit and enjoy a complimentary download here.

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