Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Looking Ahead to 2022: Investing and Doing Business in China

Looking Ahead to 2022: Investing and Doing Business in China

In this webinar, our China investment experts Guilherme Campos and Viktor Rojkov, provide insight and guidance on critical aspects for foreign investors to take into account for their business development and expansion in the new year.


Doing Business in Vietnam – Looking ahead to 2022

Doing Business in Vietnam – Looking ahead to 2022

To help foreign businesses better understand the key developments of the Vietnamese FDI environment and capitalize on the emerging opportunities in the country, Filippo Bortoletti, International Business Advisor, shares insights and guidance for inve...


Looking Ahead to 2022: Doing Business in India

Looking Ahead to 2022: Doing Business in India

Sunny Makhija and Radhika Gupta, International Business Advisory India team, share updates on India’s improving business environment and increasing scope of opportunities it offers to foreign investors.


An Introduction to Doing Business in ASEAN 2022

An Introduction to Doing Business in ASEAN 2022

This publication is designed to introduce the fundamentals of investing in all ten ASEAN countries and includes a guide to corporate establishment, tax advisory, and bookkeeping, in addition to HR and payroll, double tax agreements, and audit and com...


Использование Сингапура как базы для расши...

Использование Сингапура как базы для расши...

В этом выпуске журнала АСЕАН Брифинг мы рассматриваем эффективную процедуру регистрации компании в Сингапуре и сравниваем Гонконг и Си...


Руководство по Экспорту из Вьетнама

Руководство по Экспорту из Вьетнама

В этом выпуске журнала Вьетнам Брифинг мы подробно расскажем о процедурах экспорта из Вьетнама с соблюдением правил определения страны...


Annual Audit and Compliance in Vietnam: Get Ready for 2022

Annual Audit and Compliance in Vietnam: Get Ready for 2022

Subject to varying requirements, all foreign entities in Vietnam are required to comply with statutory audit procedures outlined in the law and clarified by numerous decisions and circulars. Working to ensure compliance with up-to-date procedures and...


Investing & Doing Business in Foshan – Industrial Upgrade and Automation in th...

Investing & Doing Business in Foshan – Industrial Upgrade and Automation in th...

In this webinar, Guilherme Campos, Dezan Shira’s International Business Advisory Manager for the Greater Bay Area, and Bruno Hernandez, Deputy Director of the International Office at the Foshan Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA) jointly present th...


Accessing Indian Consumers from Overseas and Opportunities in the Digital Econom...

Accessing Indian Consumers from Overseas and Opportunities in the Digital Econom...

The magazine provides a general overview of the options available to foreign firms to sell to the online Indian market, including suitable market entry strategies and business models, industry regulation, and consumer trends. We also provide informat...


Using Singapore as a Base for ASEAN Expansion

Using Singapore as a Base for ASEAN Expansion

In this issue of the ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of the efficient incorporation process in Singapore and compare Hong Kong and Singapore as holding locations. We then explore how investors can benefit from Singapore’s tax polici...


A Guide to Exporting from Vietnam

A Guide to Exporting from Vietnam

Vietnam follows an export-led growth model, combining trade liberalization and investment incentives to spur export-oriented manufacturing. This has allowed Vietnam to accelerate growth, steadily, over the last decade, and become a leading low-cost s...


A Guide to Foreign Investment in Vietnam

A Guide to Foreign Investment in Vietnam

Vietnam’s lure of a favorable investment environment, including competitive costs, talent market, and free trade agreements, have made it an ideal location for investors seeking to diversify supply chains and lower operation costs. While this is a ...

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