Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



The 16 Member Countries of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

The 16 Member Countries of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership


How to Manage Transfer Pricing in China

How to Manage Transfer Pricing in China

Countries across Asia have been amending their transfer pricing legislation to come into alignment with the OECD/G20 Action Plan for Tax Base Erosion and Profit Transfer Projects – or the BEPS Action Plan – since it was unveiled in 2015. China an...


Tax Incentives in India

Tax Incentives in India

In this issue of India Briefing magazine, we examine India’s corporate tax structure, analyze the latest trends in India’s tax system, and strategies that companies can use to offset their tax burden. We also answer frequently asked questions on ...


Tax Incentives in Vietnam

Tax Incentives in Vietnam

In this issue of Vietnam Briefing, we discuss the importance of taxation to new investment projects and outline the role that corporate tax incentives can play in reducing costs in Vietnam. We highlight Vietnam’s current preferential tax rates and ...


India's Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements and Withholding Tax Rates (II)

India's Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements and Withholding Tax Rates (II)

DTAAs prevent double taxation by allowing the tax paid in one of the two countries to be offset against the tax payable in the other country. India has entered into double tax agreements with over 90 countries.


India's Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements and Withholding Tax Rates (I)

India's Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements and Withholding Tax Rates (I)

DTAAS prevent double taxation by allowing the tax paid in one of the two countries to be offset against the tax payable in the other country. India has entered into double tax agreements with over 90 countries.


ASEAN's FTAs and Opportunities for Foreign Businesses

ASEAN's FTAs and Opportunities for Foreign Businesses

In this issue of ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an introduction to some of ASEAN’s FTAs and how foreign investors and exporters can maximize opportunities in this dynamic region. We begin by discussing the salient features of each FTA and the ...


Taxable Allowances

Taxable Allowances

This infographic shows fully and partly taxable allowances.


Countries Holding Double Tax Agreements With China

Countries Holding Double Tax Agreements With China

The table shows the countries (regions) with signed DTAs with China (as of February 2017).


Comparison of IIT Liability for Different Salary Packages

Comparison of IIT Liability for Different Salary Packages

This infographic shows how IIT liability varies depending on the monthly or annual salary and annual bonus.


Monthly Taxable Income: Chinese and Foreign Nationals

Monthly Taxable Income: Chinese and Foreign Nationals

This table and the descriptions presents the tax income of both Chinese and Foreign Nationals that involves based Salary, fringe benefits, Mandatory Social Security contribution, and Deductible allowances.


Corporate Income Tax Rate Over Time in Singapore

Corporate Income Tax Rate Over Time in Singapore

This infographic shows the corporate income tax rate over time, from 1997 to 2017.

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