Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Patent Renewal Fee Structure in India

Patent Renewal Fee Structure in India

To know more about business opportunities in India [button::Contact Us:: https://www.dezshira.com/contact] For more details about patent renewals in India [button::Visit India Briefing::https://www.india-briefing.com/news/patent-renewal-india-f...

other treaties

Comprehensive Plan of Action to Promote Cooperation between ASEAN and Russia (2...

Comprehensive Plan of Action to Promote Cooperation between ASEAN  and Russia (2...

To know more about opportunities in Russia or ASEAN   [button::Contact Us:: https://www.dezshira.com/contact]


Calculation of Regional Value Content - ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement

Calculation of Regional Value Content - ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement

To know more about exporting and importing in the ASEAN region [button::Contact Us::https://www.dezshira.com/contact] For more details about ASEAN's local content requirements [button::Visit ASEAN Briefing::https://www.aseanbriefing.com/ne...


Singapore's Transfer Pricing Laws - 2018

Singapore's Transfer Pricing Laws - 2018

On 25 September 2018, an international audience tuned-in to hear our Head of International Tax and Transfer Pricing, Paul Dwyer, our Singapore Tax Manager Richelle Tay and Transfer Pricing Associate Filippo Bortoletti, summarise the new transfer pric...


Singapore's Transfer Pricing Laws - 2018

Singapore's Transfer Pricing Laws - 2018

On 25 September 2018, an international audience tuned-in to hear our Head of International Tax and Transfer Pricing, Paul Dwyer, our Singapore Tax Manager Richelle Tay and Transfer Pricing Associate Filippo Bortoletti, summarise the new transfer pric...


Medical Device Rules of India

Medical Device Rules of India

On September 19 2018, Riccardo Benussi, Deputy Regional Manager at Dezan Shira & Associates, discussed the new Medical Device Rules of India via a webinar hosted by German Trade and Invest (GTAI). Historically, the India...


Asia Bridge: Die Neue Seidenstrasse - Auf unbekannten Wegen

Asia Bridge: Die Neue Seidenstrasse - Auf unbekannten Wegen

"Die Neue Seidenstraße (Belt and Road Initiative, BRI) ist eine Entwicklungsstrategie auf internationaler bene, die von der chinesischen Regierung eingeführt wurde. Sie wird als das außenpolitische restigeprojekt von Präsident X...


Medical Device Rules, 2017 - India

Medical Device Rules, 2017 - India

With procedural and regulatory clarity provided by the Medical Device Rules, notified on January 31, 2017, the Indian medical devices sector may offer lucrative opportunities for investments. Earlier this year, the Indian government amended the medi...


Company Law of the People's Republic of China

Company Law of the People's Republic of China

The People’s Republic of China adopted a new Company Law in October 2005. The law came into effect from January 1, 2006.China further amended 12 provisions of the new Company Law which came into effect on March 1, 2014. Almost nothing of the o...


Die Chancen europäischer Unternehmen

Die Chancen europäischer Unternehmen

Die Neue Seidenstraße (Belt and Road Initiative, BRI) ist eine Entwicklungsstrategie auf internationaler bene, die von der chinesischen Regierung eingeführt wurde. Sie wird als das außenpolitische restigeprojekt von Präsident Xi...


China's New IIT Regime

China's New IIT Regime

A draft law containing broad changes to the Individual Income Tax system was submitted by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress for deliberation on June 19, 2018. Subsequently, China passed the amendments to the new IIT law d...


US Tariffs on China– List 3

US Tariffs on China– List 3

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