Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Chinese Tariffs on US Goods - List 3

Chinese Tariffs on US Goods - List 3

Two and a half months into the US-China trade war, on September 18 2018, China announced a new list of tariffs on US$60 billion worth of US imports. This retaliatory action came after US announced increased tariffs on US$200 billion worth of Chinese ...


EU- Vietnam Free Trade Agreement EU Tariff Tables

EU- Vietnam Free Trade Agreement            EU Tariff Tables


European Union- Vietnam Free Trade Agreement Vietnam Tariff Tables

European Union- Vietnam Free Trade Agreement  Vietnam Tariff Tables

This document is for research purposes only, not to be used or interpreted as an official document  For more information [button::Contact us::https://www.dezshira.com/contact]


European Union- Vietnam Free Trade Agreement Chapter 1 to 7

European Union- Vietnam Free Trade Agreement Chapter 1 to 7

EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement: Agreed text as of January 2016


Labor Dispatching vs Outsourcing in China

Labor Dispatching vs Outsourcing in China

For more information on China's work force, click here.  To choose the correct recruitment strategy for your business, contact us. 


Work Hours, Annual Leaves, and Overtime - A comparison between the ASEAN 5 count...

Work Hours, Annual Leaves, and Overtime - A comparison between the ASEAN 5 count...

A well-drafted labor contract protects both the employee and the employer from unnecessary risk. These contractual obligations, for both parties, are also mandated by various labor laws enacted by the governments of the respective countries. The inf...


The 16 Member Countries of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

The 16 Member Countries of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership


DPRK Business Monthly: September 2018

DPRK Business Monthly: September 2018

This regular publication looks at current international, domestic, and peninsular affairs concerning North Korea while also offering commentary and tourism information on the country.


India's Tax Incentives

India's Tax Incentives

  SEZ’s and less-developed regions - Location based tax incentives in India Less-developed regions Special tax benefits are given to companies setting up in certain notified regions of India. This includes - northeastern states of Arun...


How to Structure Your Investments in China – Corporate Establishment Quick Fac...

How to Structure Your Investments in China – Corporate Establishment Quick Fac...

Foreign firms investing in China’s complex and diverse market may be faced with various legal, regulatory as well as cultural challenges when preparing for market entry. If these challenges are not handled with caution and vigilance, a foreign...


Indonesia's E-Commerce Sector - Opportunities for Investors

Indonesia's E-Commerce Sector - Opportunities for Investors

Indonesia’s e-commerce sector is growing rapidly - driven largley by the increasing number of mobile and internet users in the country. The number of Indonesians buying goods and services online reached a record high of 41 percent pe...


Corporate Structuring in India, China - WFOE vs WOS

Corporate Structuring in India, China - WFOE vs WOS

In China, a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) is a limited liability company (LLC) formed by one or more foreign investor(s). In this type of corporate structure, there is no mandatory requirement to collaborate with a domestic partner...

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