Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Individual Income Tax for Expats 2020: Resolving Compliance Issues

Individual Income Tax for Expats 2020: Resolving Compliance Issues

With the end of the year fast approaching, foreign individuals working in China and their companies should begin to address any Individual Income Tax (IIT) issues they or their foreign employees may have. The Covid-19 pandemic and accompanying travel...


Annual Audit and Compliance in China: Prepare for 2021

Annual Audit and Compliance in China: Prepare for 2021

The start of a new year tends to be a hectic time for foreign companies in China. During this period, businesses must also begin to prepare their annual statutory audit – if they have not started to do so already. In this issue of China Briefing ma...


Managing Your Profits in China Through Service Fee and Royalty Contracts

Managing Your Profits in China Through Service Fee and Royalty Contracts

For the process of outbound payments from China to overseas, there are specific compliance requirements and key considerations for each channel. This webinar focuses on payments through service fee contracts and royalty contracts.


Representative Office in Vietnam: Procedures and Compliances for Setting Up and ...

Representative Office in Vietnam: Procedures and Compliances for Setting Up and ...

Vietnam continues to showcase strong growth patterns despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, leading investors to favorably consider the country as an ideal location for new investment. In this context, it is important to understand the prevailing off...


Optimizing Your China Accounting with Cloud Technology

Optimizing Your China Accounting with Cloud Technology

Cloud technology has revolutionized accounting software. In China, despite its reputation for bureaucracy and paper-based processes, cloud-enabled apps have reduced much of the workload in the sphere of accounting for companies of all sizes.


Optimieren Sie Ihre Buchhaltung und Personalsachbearbeitung in China mit Cloud-T...

Optimieren Sie Ihre Buchhaltung und Personalsachbearbeitung in China mit Cloud-T...

Die meisten Unternehmen mit Erfahrung in China sind an die komplexen, papierintensiven und mühsamen manuellen Verfahren gewöhnt, die für die Ausführung von Back-Office-Aufgaben wie Buchhaltung, Personalwesen (HR) und Gehaltsabrechnung erforderlic...


Optimizing Your China Accounting and HR Processing with Cloud Technology

Optimizing Your China Accounting and HR Processing with Cloud Technology

Most businesses with experience in China are accustomed to the complex, paper-intensive, and laborious manual procedures required to execute back office functions like accounting, human resources (HR), and payroll. New technology solutions are changi...


Manufacturing in India: Investment Opportunities and Role of Integrated Industri...

Manufacturing in India: Investment Opportunities and Role of Integrated Industri...

Dezan Shira & Associates in collaboration with Mahindra World City hosted a webinar to discuss India’s manufacturing landscape and the role of integrated industrial ecosystems in providing ease of doing business to foreign investors.


La Cina Al Tempo Del Covid-19. Le Opportunità Da Cogliere

La Cina Al Tempo Del Covid-19. Le Opportunità Da Cogliere

How is China coping with restarting the economy after the COVID19 pandemic? What sectors are advantaged and which opportunities should be seized by businesses in the coming months?


What You Need to Know Before Setting Up in India

What You Need to Know Before Setting Up in India

What are the major challenges foreign companies face while setting up in India? India’s ranking has significantly improved in Ease of Doing Business list. However, before entering the Indian market, an enterprise requires professional advice t...


FAQs - Accounting and Compliance in Vietnam

FAQs - Accounting and Compliance in Vietnam

The rapidly changing regulatory landscape in Vietnam requires experience and expertise when dealing with various aspects of business operations, but the challenges that the accounting and tax compliance vertical poses may be particularly difficult fo...


Withholding Tax in India

Withholding Tax in India

Join us in this webinar to understand the rules and regulations pertaining to withholding tax in India and practical knowledge required to fulfil withholding tax obligations of your organization.

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