Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are the key concerns in auditing for annual compliance by representative of...

What are the key concerns in auditing for annual compliance by representative of...

The key steps are audit, tax filing and annual reporting to the Administration of Industry and Commerce. For audit, a few aspects would deserve attention: Whether the balance of the representative office is equivalent to that in the ba...


What are the main concerns in tax filing and reporting to Administration of Indu...

What are the main concerns in tax filing and reporting to Administration of Indu...

The key steps are audit, tax filing and annual reporting to the Administration of Industry and Commerce. For tax filing, the key concerns would be: Since the responsibility for tax filing rests on the taxpayer’s shoulder, taxpaye...


What are the main concerns for auditing by joint-venture companies or other fore...

What are the main concerns for auditing by joint-venture companies or other fore...

The main concerns that joint-venture companies or other foreign-invested enterprises should pay heed to are: The completion of annual financial statement and auditor’s report should be before end of April in order to make time for th...


How are fixed assets defined in annual compliance for foreign-invested entities ...

How are fixed assets defined in annual compliance for foreign-invested entities ...

Fixed assets include, but are not limited to, the following items: Houses, buildings and structures; Machinery and mechanical apparatus; Means of transport and other such equipment to the same effect; Appliances and tools...


What aspects should foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) pay attention to in tax ...

What aspects should foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) pay attention to in tax ...

All foreign-invested enterprises should pay attention to the following: The FIEs should submit the Annual Taxation Consolidation Reporting Package, which is authorized by the CPA firms, to the tax bureau by the end of May each year. The FIEs shou...


What are counted as deductible expenses for foreign-invested entities under Chin...

What are counted as deductible expenses for foreign-invested entities under Chin...

The following items count as deductible expenses for foreign-invested entities in China: Advertising and business promotion expenses – they are deductible up to 15 percent of the sales income of that year; Business entertainmen...


How are asset losses defined in China for annual compliance purposes and how sho...

How are asset losses defined in China for annual compliance purposes and how sho...

Asset losses include the following items: Monetary assets loss – i.e.: losses of cash, bank, account receivables, prepayments; Non-monetary assets loss – i.e.: losses of inventory, fixed assets intangible assets construction in proces...


How should withholding obligations be discharged for annual compliance in China?

How should withholding obligations be discharged for annual compliance in China?

When expenses are incurred for services rendered by foreigners in China, withholding obligations will arise, and such obligations shall be so arisen on an accrual basis. When such obligation arises, as of current legislations, 10 percent withh...


What are non-deductible expenses in China for annual compliance purposes?

What are non-deductible expenses in China for annual compliance purposes?

The following items are not deductible under Chinese laws for annual compliance: Management fees paid between enterprises; Rental and royalty fees paid between business units; Interest paid between business units of a non-bank enterprise; Provi...


What is a private limited company under the laws of Hong Kong?

What is a private limited company under the laws of Hong Kong?

The Hong Kong Companies Ordinance states that a private limited company is a company, whose articles of association fulfills the following functions: Restricting the right of shareholders to transfer shares; Limiting the number of shareholders to...


What requirements must be complied in order to set up a company in Hong Kong?

What requirements must be complied in order to set up a company in Hong Kong?

There are a number of conditions that must be followed in order to establish a private limited company in Hong Kong: 1. On director and secretary: There must be at least one director and one secretary; If the company has only one director, that ...


How to choose company name for setting up a company in Hong Kong?

How to choose company name for setting up a company in Hong Kong?

Normally, as many would say, the first step to setting up a company in Hong Kong is to choose a company name. All these company names can be found in the Companies Registry. The chosen company name cannot be any name that is already existent in the R...

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