Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Salari, imposte sul reddito personale e previdenza sociale a Singapore

Salari, imposte sul reddito personale e previdenza sociale a Singapore

Erasmo Indolino, Associato del team di International Business Advisory presso Dezan Shira & Associates, introduce gli elementi essenziali per una corretta gestione dei libri paga a Singapore.


De Nouveaux Facteurs à Considérer lors de l'Etablissement d'une WFOE en Chine ...

De Nouveaux Facteurs à Considérer lors de l'Etablissement d'une WFOE en Chine ...

Dans ce numéro de China Briefing, nous tentons de guider les lecteurs à travers les différentes facettes de la structure WFOE et présentons les réformes mises en œuvre par le gouvernement chinois cette année passée, privilégiant à présent ...


Come gestire la contabilità in Vietnam

Come gestire la contabilità in Vietnam

Erasmo Indolino, Associato del team di International Business Advisory presso Dezan Shira & Associates, introduce la nuova Legge sulla contabilità in Vietnam.


Withholding Tax (WHT) Rates on Payments to Resident Companies in India

Withholding Tax (WHT) Rates on Payments to Resident Companies in India

This table shows the rates applied to parts of resident companies' income in India.


Withholding Tax (WHT) Rates on Payments to Non-resident Companies in India

Withholding Tax (WHT) Rates on Payments to Non-resident Companies in India

This table shows the rates applied to parts of non-resident companies' income in India.


Rates of Depreciation for Companies' Fixed Assets in India

Rates of Depreciation for Companies' Fixed Assets in India

This table shows the rates of depreciation on specific assets of a company in India.


Withholding Tax (WHT) Rates on Payments to Non-residents in India

Withholding Tax (WHT) Rates on Payments to Non-residents in India

This table shows the rates applied to parts of non-residents' income in India, including royalties, technical services, etc.


Internal Control in China

Internal Control in China

While fraud is a well-known issue for foreign investors doing business in China, many companies underestimate the risks of fraud occurring from within their own organizations. The answer to limiting exposure to these risks is internal control. In thi...


DPRK Business Monthly: July 2017

DPRK Business Monthly: July 2017

This regular publication looks at current international, domestic, and peninsular affairs concerning North Korea while also offering commentary and tourism information on the country.


Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Rate in India

Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Rate in India

This table shows the Corporate Income Tax (CIT) rate imposed on the net income of companies registered in the country and foreign companies earning income in India.


Indirect Tax Structure under Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India

Indirect Tax Structure under Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India

This table shows the aggregation of India's new Goods and Services Tax (GST).


India's Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN)

India's Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN)

This infographic shows the elements that compose India's Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN)

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