Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Vietnam’s Policies and Supporting Packages for Businesses Impacted by the Four...

Vietnam’s Policies and Supporting Packages for Businesses Impacted by the Four...

The presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the policies and supporting packages for businesses in the context Vietnam’s fourth wave of COVID-19 which has taken a toll on the country's economy.


Taxation for Foreign Nationals in India

Taxation for Foreign Nationals in India

In this Q&A session, we speak with International Business Advisory Manager Krishan Aggarwal to discuss some of the commonly asked questions that we receive from our subscribers related to taxation for expats in India.


Applying for 2020 IIT Subsidies in the GBA – Frequently Asked Questions

Applying for 2020 IIT Subsidies in the GBA – Frequently Asked Questions

Amber Liu, Dezan Shira's Senior Manager of Corporate Accounting Services, answers some frequently asked questions regarding the preferential policy on individual income tax (IIT) subsidy for overseas professionals and talents working in nine cities i...


Подготовка к Наступающей Эре Электронного ...

Подготовка к Наступающей Эре Электронного ...

В этом выпуске журнала Китай Брифинг мы демонстрируем возможности и риски, связанные с внедрением электронного фапьяо. Мы начнем с обзо...


IIT Subsidies in China's GBA: Filing Applications and To Do Checklist for Overse...

IIT Subsidies in China's GBA: Filing Applications and To Do Checklist for Overse...

How should overseas talents prepare and react to the upcoming changes and new policies, especially in the post COVID-19 period? In this webinar hosted by our tax and accounting experts in the GBA, Jenny Tan, Lynn Shen and Karen Liu along with Interna...


Transfer Pricing Knowledge You Should Have for Doing Business in India

Transfer Pricing Knowledge You Should Have for Doing Business in India

On July 29, Corporate Accounting Services Senior Associate Shubham Dua discussed the legal framework of transfer pricing in India and the challenges in structuring international transactions. Watch this webinar to get an expert overview of the transf...


Investire in Vietnam 2021

Investire in Vietnam 2021

Il 2020 è un anno che le aziende difficilmente dimenticheranno a causa della pandemia che ha interrotto le catene di approvvigionamento globali, con conseguenti perdite di affari significative. Tuttavia, il Vietnam è riuscito a raggiungere una cres...


Preparing for the Coming E-Fapiao Era

Preparing for the Coming E-Fapiao Era

Over the last few months, China has been quickly expanding the pilot program on electronic special value-added tax (VAT) fapiao (hereafter special VAT e-fapiao). First trialed in Ningbo, Hangzhou, and Shijiazhuang, China expanded the pilot program on...


Changes to Tax-Exempt Benefits for Expatriates in China: How to Prepare for the ...

Changes to Tax-Exempt Benefits for Expatriates in China: How to Prepare for the ...

In this webinar, Kate Qiu, International HR & Payroll Services Senior Associate, will introduce the upcoming changes to IIT deductions for expats, explain their implications for both individuals and companies, and provide suggestions on how to manage...


Episode 5 and 6:The Ultimate Guide to China's Corporate Taxes 2021

Episode 5 and 6:The Ultimate Guide to China's Corporate Taxes 2021

Episode 6: What expenses are non-tax deductible? Are there limitations on team-building fees, meals, or gifts? What is considered employee welfare? What is considered business entertainment?  Are sponsorship expenses deductible? Are tax in...


Investir au Vietnam 2021

Investir au Vietnam 2021

Statistiques démographiques, Economie du Vietnam et investissements directs à l’étranger, Régions économiques clés, Accords de libre-échange, Comment monter une activité, Se conformer à la législation fiscale et à la réglementation comp...


Episode 1 and 2:The Ultimate Guide to China's Corporate Taxes 2021

Episode 1 and 2:The Ultimate Guide to China's Corporate Taxes 2021

Episode 2: China's Free Trade Zones (FTZ) and Tax Laws Hannah Feng covers the tax advantages of Free Trade Zones (FTZ) in China 2021. The role of Free Trade Zones What are the main preferential tax policies? What are the different Free...

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