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European Union- Vietnam Free Trade Agreement Chapter 1 to 7


European Union- Vietnam Free Trade Agreement Chapter 1 to 7

EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement: Agreed text as of January 2016


Preamble and Chapter 1: Objectives and General Definitions

Chapter 2: National Treatment and Market Access for Goods

  • Annex 2-a: Annex on pharmaceutical products and medical devices
  • Annex 2-b: Annex on motor vehicles and motor vehicles’ parts
  • Annex 2-c: Reduction and/or elimination of customs duties
  • Annex 2-c-i: Tariff schedule of the EU
  • Annex 2-c-ii: Tariff schedule of Vietnam (Click here)
  • Annex 2-d: Exports duties’ schedule of Vietnam (Click here) 

Chapter 3: Trade remedies

Chapter 4: Protocol concerning the definition of the concept of “originating products” and methods of administrative cooperation

  • Annex 4-a: List of working or processing required to be carried out on non-originating materials in order for the product manufactured to obtain originating status

Chapter 5: Customs and Trade facilitation

Chapter 6: Technical Barriers to Trade

Chapter 7: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures


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