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Doing Business in India 2023: Entry Strategies and HR Solutions



As one of the world’s fastest growing economies and with its population recently surpassing China’s, India offers growing opportunities for foreign companies looking to expand their operations by setting up a business in the country. India’s thriving economy, and its dynamic manufacturing and tech industries, have also increased employment opportunities for skilled expatriates looking to work in emerging markets.

Despite the country’s proactive implementation of business reforms and incentives, understanding the complexities of the Indian immigration system as well as the local practices, and complying with the regulatory framework can be challenging for foreign businesses.

In this webinar, Managing Director of Dezan Shira & Associates’ India offices – Rohit Kapur – joined forces with Andrea Benigni, CEO of ECA Italia to delve into key aspects of navigating the Indian business environment with a particular focus on global mobility, including effective HR management and employee relocation to India.

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