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HR Trends in China: Executive Recruitment, Income Tax, Labour Contracts, Benefits




China was one of the first countries to bounce back from the COVID-19 pandemic. By the end of 2020, its economy posted its strongest growth in two years. It’s fastest growing sector included IT and ecommerce, and manufacturing still remains its biggest industry as of today.

So, what does working in China entail? What’s the prognosis in terms of executive recruitment? What should HR departments and potential employees expect when it comes to benefits, taxation, and the employment of foreign nationals? 

In this webinar, the following topics were discussed in detail by Dezan Shira & Associates’ Head of European Business Development - Riccardo Benussi, and the managing Director of CT Executive Search - Christian Tegethoff

  • Trends in executive search and opportunities for expatriates in China;
  • Taxes and insurances: Tax residency rules; Individual Income Tax (IIT) for locals, foreigners; IIT deductions and benefits; Social Insurance and Housing Fund;
  • Guidance and key considerations in drafting a labor contract.

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