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Navigating Indian Tax Laws: Implications for Businesses in 2024



India, as one of the world's fastest-growing economies, presents lucrative opportunities for global investors. However, navigating the complexities of the Indian business landscape, particularly in terms of taxation, can be challenging. Understanding the tax implications of conducting business operations in India is crucial for both foreign investors and domestic businesses. Key taxes to consider include corporate income tax, goods and services tax (GST), and individual tax, among others.

Additionally, with cross-border transactions in India becoming increasingly prevalent in 2024, it also becomes imperative for foreign businesses to gain a comprehensive understanding of how to comply with recent government mandates, including e-filing of Form 10F to avail DTAA (Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement) benefits.

On April 25, Divyansh Shrivastava, Assistant Manager - Corporate Accounting Services, shared key insights and updates into crucial taxes and compliance requirements, including corporate tax, GST (Goods and Service Tax), individual tax and more that businesses must be aware of when operating in India in 2024. He also discussed the recent government mandates, including amendments to Form 10F to avail DTAA benefits, explore potential exemptions and deductions available to businesses, and guide investors through the intricacies of the tax system in India.

Divyansh covered the following topics during his session:

  • Overview of India’s Taxation System and Macroeconomic Updates in 2024
  • Analyzing Direct Taxes and Indirect Taxes
  • Key Tax Rules and Compliance Calendar for 2024
  • Navigating Cross-Border Taxation - Form 10F Filing and DTAA
  • Audit and Financial Reporting
  • Q/A Session

If you would like to get in touch with the speaker, or have any questions regarding this event, please contact Ashna Kohli, Jr. Associate - International Business Advisory, India at Ashna.kohli@dezshira.com

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