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New China Business Handbook Available for Complimentary Download
Produced in cooperation with the U.S. Commercial Service and Dezan Shira & Associates, the China Business Handbook (Second Edition) is now available for immediate PDF download on the Asia Briefing Bookstore – offering readers an informative guide to starting and growing a business in this dynamic market.
The first edition of the U.S. Commercial Service’s China Business Handbook provided a market overview, regional insights, discussion of post-initial investment considerations and analysis of opportunities by industry sector to U.S. businesses looking to operate in or sell to China. This second edition expands upon the successful original version with relevant updates for 2011, including a more detailed business advisory section, a reworked discussion of labor, taxes and maintaining Chinese financial accounts, and more dynamic and visual industry overviews.
“China is a relevant market for American business of all sizes in all industries,” urges William Zarit, Minister Council for Commercial Affairs for the U.S. Commercial Service in China and the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, in the Handbook’s introduction. “U.S. firms exported more than US$91 billion to China in 2010, with U.S. products, services and technology playing an important role in both China’s development and in U.S. economic growth. China is buying, building and upgrading throughout the country. With rapid urban development and an exploding middle class, China’s demand for consumer products reaches into more than 260 cities with over one million people.”
“However, doing business in China can be challenging…Please make use of the resources of this Handbook and the knowledge and expertise that stand behind it to help you take the next step in entering or expanding your business in China,” Zarit adds.
In addition to the hard copies being distributed to U.S. Chambers of Commerce, world trade centers, and Department of Commerce offices across the United States and China, you can download a complimentary PDF copy of the China Business Handbook (Second Edition) from the Asia Briefing Bookstore.
Dezan Shira & Associates is a boutique professional services firm providing foreign direct investment business advisory, tax, accounting, payroll and due diligence services for multinational clients in China, Hong Kong, Vietnam and India. For more information and advice regarding setting up and operating in any of these markets, please email, visit, or download the firm’s brochure here.
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