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China Law Deskbook Legal Update – December 2012
Dec. 5 – Jim Zimmerman, the China managing partner of U.S. law firm Sheppard Mullin, is a good friend of China Briefing and is also both the Chairman Emeritus of Amcham China and the author of the China Law Deskbook – considered by many to be the bible of China law. Jim has recently introduced a regular update service to the China Law Deskbook and has kindly given permission for China Briefing to host it here.
Entitled “News and Views from Beijing,” the new December issue is available as a complimentary PDF download by clicking here, and contains details of new laws, regulations, and policy trends.
Included in this month’s issue are Jim’s comments on the following new laws, regulations and policy trends:
- SARFT issues statement ordering more stringent management over international film productions
- State Council issues draft set of regulations designed to curb irregular contracting practices and to improve the quality of construction projects
- MOHURD regulations concerning privacy rights and access to information concerning affordable housing in China
- SAFE issues order relaxing standards for foreign investors
- State Council issues new auto recall regulations imposing significant penalties on manufacturers that fail to implement an effective recall system
- Supreme People’s Court issues an order significantly increasing the penalties for damages to grasslands
Readers wishing to purchase the China Law Deskbook may visit the site here.
We are grateful to Jim for permitting us to reproduce the original content for the benefit of our readers.