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Dezan Shira & Associates Hosts the Michael G. Foster School of Business
HANOI – Led by Foster School of Business Associate Dean, Daniel Turner, a delegation of students and representatives from the well regarded U.S. business school attended a seminar hosted by Dezan Shira & Associates this week. The Foster School of Business is located in Seattle, Washington.
Ms. Hoang Thu Huyen, Country Manager for Vietnam, conducted the presentation, entitled “Doing Business in Vietnam.”
During the presentation, Ms. Huyen discussed a range of topics relevant to foreign companies looking to invest or do business in Vietnam. In particular, she explained the reasons why Vietnam is currently an especially attractive investment destination.
Her reasons included the country being in a perfect position for any company pursuing a China +1 strategy, the existence of low labor costs, improving manufacturing capabilities, growing domestic consumption and a stable political system.
However, Ms. Huyen was not wearing rose colored glasses when it came to Vietnam. She also pointed out some of the drawbacks to Vietnam, including rising HR costs and diminishing tax incentives.
Additionally, Ms. Huyen took the delegates through an enlightening exploration of Vietnam’s taxes and the processes that a business must go through in order to operate legally within the country.
At the end of the presentation, the delegates and Ms. Huyen participated in a thought provoking and illuminating Q&A session. Many of the students asked particularly thoughtful questions and were able to receive clear and succinct answers from Ms. Huyen.
After the Q&A session, Associate Dean Turner presented Ms. Huyen with a small gift to show the school’s appreciation for the time provided by Dezan Shira & Associates.
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