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Fostering Global Awareness of Asian Culture
At Dezan Shira & Associates, we believe that understanding and appreciating local culture is key to local success.
Asia is a diverse region featuring multiple languages, etiquette, time zones and nuances that may not always be understood by the foreign investor. To succeed in each of these regional markets, some basic understanding of local customs must be passed to clients extending beyond the legal and tax systems. To this end, Dezan Shira & Associates has always actively involved itself in regional cultural activities in the belief that knowledge learned and understood will also prove beneficial to our clients. We continue to get involved both in philanthropic and cultural awareness throughout this most fascinating region.
To highlight this, over the past years we have assisted many local Asian artists reach a wider Western audience through their inclusion on our various Briefing’s magazine covers. A selection of these may be found below. Many of the artists we have previously featured as unknowns have now had their works displayed in prestigious museums around the world, while others are now in significant international private collections. Our understanding of local cultural issues is a key point of our success in assisting global businesses develop an Asian awareness.
Artist: Liu Hong Wei
Title: Quiet bird against ruffling banana leaves; Slender silhouette of hibiscus smiling at the breeze
Magazine: Guide to the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, China Briefing, Issue 142
Artist: Hao Jiantao
Title: Outside Auspiciousness No. 4
Magazine: E-Commerce in China, China Briefing, Issue 136
Artist: Hu Yongkai
Title: Lotus Dream
Magazine: China Retail Industry Report 2014, China Briefing, Special Edition 2014
Artist: Chen Yu
Title: Blue
Magazine: The Gateway to ASEAN: Singapore Holding Companies, Asia Briefing, Issue 8
Artist: Li Jisen
Title: Untitled
Magazine: Work Visa and Permit Procedures Across Asia, Asia Briefing, Issue 5
Artist: Pham An Hai
Title: After the Rain
Magazine: An Introduction to Tax Treaties Throughout Asia, Asia Briefing, Issue 4
Artist: Alphonso Doss
Title: Untitled
Magazine: An Introduction to India’s Audit Process, India Briefing, Issue 22
Artist: Narmada Prasad Tekam
Title: Untitled
Magazine: Trading with India, India Briefing, Issue 20
Artist: Prokash Karmakar
Title: Untitled
Magazine: An Introduction to Audit in India, India Briefing, Issue 19
Artist: Le Thanh Son
Title: Spring in the Mountain
Magazine: A Guide to Understanding Vietnam’s VAT, Vietnam Briefing, Issue 16
Artist: Le Minh
Title: Melody of the Colour
Magazine: Manufacturing in Vietnam to Sell to ASEAN and China, Vietnam Briefing, Issue 15
Artist: Do Duc Khai
Title: Under the Bridge
Magazine: Re-evaluating Your Vietnam Representative Office, Vietnam Briefing, Issue 14
In addition to art, Dezan Shira & Associates also supports local musicians and music, again as part of our “Asian Awareness & Culture” concept in business. To celebrate the firms 20th anniversary in Asia, the practice commissioned a new piece of contemporary classical music, the Four Corners Quartet. Performed by the legendary Phoenix Quartet, the piece features European, American, Chinese and Indian themes, and can be heard here.

It is important to understand and appreciate local culture when conducting business in Asia, and it is something our firm actively promotes and encourages.
Dezan Shira & Associates goes the extra mile in helping international businesses understand local Asian customs and culture. We encourage Western businesses investing in Asia to do the same.
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