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Dezan Shira & Associates Founder Presents at Arctic Silk Road Conference, Cambridge University
On May 26 and 27 2017, Chris Devonshire-Ellis, Founder of Dezan Shira & Associates, gave a presentation at the Scott Polar Research Institute, an academic institution that is part of Cambridge University. The two day conference focused on the impact oil drilling, infrastructure development, and financing of the Siberian Arctic has on China’s OBOR projects.
In this clip, Chris is responding to the audience on whether Chinese consumer spending along One Belt, One Road (OBOR) routes is a matter of Chinese state policy.
Both Russia and China have showed keen interest in the Arctic region – China was recently admitted as a Permanent Observer to the Arctic Council and Russia has named it its number one priority. Further, China’s interest in investing in Siberia’s Sea Ports has intensified with global warming playing a key role. The development of the Northern Sea Routes allows China access to oil and gas supplies, as well as offering the potential to develop new trade routes to Canada, Russia, northern Europe and the US.
Dezan Shira & Associates can advise on matters relating to China’s OBOR projects. Please email for assistance or refer to our sister website at