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Giovanni Lovisetti Illustrates Strategies for Adapting Amidst Covid-19 in China
English version below
Dezan Shira & Associates presente con l’Avv. Giovanni Lovisetti, Senior Associate dell’ufficio milanese, al webinar per la presentazione dell’XI Rapporto annuale del CeSIF, Centro Studi della Fondazione Italia Cina.
Dopo i saluti istituzionali del Presidente della Fondazione Mario Boselli e del Presidente della Regione Piemonte Alberto Cirio, il Direttore del CeSIF Filippo Fasulo ha illustrato i trend più recenti dell’economia cinese.
Il nostro Avv. Lovisetti ha illustrato come l’epidemia di Covid-19 in Cina abbia spinto le aziende straniere ad avvalersi dei servizi della firm per intraprendere con successo iniziative all’insegna dell’efficienza dei processi di lavoro (dalla revisione dei contratti commerciali, all’implementazione di infrastrutture digitali a supporto dei modelli di lavoro da remoto, all’implementazione della strategia del China Plus One) e come la nuova Legge sugli Investimenti Stranieri offra nuove opportunità agli investitori stranieri nel settore degli appalti pubblici in Cina.
Dezan Shira & Associates’ Senior Associate and Attorney, Giovanni Lovisetti, recently provided expertise on how companies in China are making their workflows more efficient during Covid-19 at an online event on October 26, 2020.
From our office in Milan, Italy, Lovisetti spoke at the presentation of the 11th Annual Report of CeSIF, from the Study Center of the Italy China Foundation.
After opening remarks of the President of the Mario Boselli Foundation and the President of the Piedmont Region, Alberto Cirio, the Director of CeSIF, Filippo Fasulo, illustrated the most recent trends in the Chinese economy.
Lovisetti then had the opportunity to illustrate how the Covid-19 epidemic in China has pushed foreign companies to use the firm’s services to successfully undertake initiatives to make work processes more efficient, such as the implementation of digital infrastructure to support remote working models and the implementation of the China +1 Strategy, in addition to how the new Foreign Investment Law offers new opportunities for foreign investors in the public procurement sector in China.
To speak to Attorney Lovisetti about any of the topics mentioned above, you may contact him here.
If you would like to discuss doing business in China or Asia, contact us here.
Further Resources
For more information on doing business in China, check out our websites China Briefing. There you will find a wealth of business intelligence on legal, tax, and operational issues in both countries from a practical perspective, such as:
- Coordinating your Remote Business Operations
- Secure Remote Work Strategy Against Internet Vulnerabilities
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