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Ines Liu Joins “Women in Tech: Women Support Women” Panel Discussion as Moderator
On August 30 2021, Ines Liu, International Business Advisory Manager, took part in and moderated the panel discussion – Women in Tech: Women Support Women – hosted by the European Chamber of Commerce Beijing Chapter.
Over the years, women have come a long way in the workforce, and have made great strides in leadership roles. However, they still often face cultural and systemic hurdles that can make it harder for them to advance. There is also a notable lack of women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) industries, especially women leaders.
This panel discussion aimed to address many of those challenges, focusing on three topics: ‘Manage Your Career Path’, ‘Be Curious’ and ‘Foster a Community Culture’. As moderator, Ines led the discussion between prominent women leaders Wu Min, head of technology at Nokia Shanghai Bell, Olivia Ji, founder and president of Glue Up and Yao Yao, COO of Thoughtworks China.
Ines started the discussion diving into some of the shared challenges women face today in the technology industries with panelists sharing their firsthand experiences and insights. Aside from discussing the panelist’ experiences, the event also aimed to educate the audience on what employers are looking for from today’s professionals.
At Dezan Shira and Associates, we are proud to honor women in leadership roles who have inspired and contributed greatly towards growth and development, especially in the business arena. We believe it is our responsibility to create a diverse working environment with equal opportunities. Ines, in particular has been a strong supporter, participating and attending similar events. We look forward to participating in more events like Women in Tech: Women Support Women in the future.